VoteRight - Sponge's First Votifier Listener [Discontinued]

Ahh I see, in the auto generated config, it didn’t have the Name= “test” part.
Schemas= {
items= {
Type= “ITEM”
it looked like this ^
So I assumed the italized “items” there is the schema name, no?

Yes, “items” would be the name, but you can always add a new schema:


The Name="test" is only for schemas defined in separate files. I just grabbed the example from the website.

Hmmm for some reason the plugin won’t work when i change schemas.

Voting= {
#The Voting Schemas to activate when a player votes
Schemas= [

OfflineVoting= {
Enabled= true
#The Voting Schemas to save when a known player votes offline. Setting this to ‘null’ or removing it will
#cause the offline vote schemas to be the same as the ones in the voting section.
Schemas= [
if i change “items” to “commands”, the plugin won’t run. That’s the only one I’ve tested so far

Is there an error message? Can I see the entire config?

Edit: also, are you editing the config or example config?

can’t find the exact error message on the console,
here’s the config, and yes the config not the example config

it still has the items schema, like shown on my previous reply above
if you run it like this, it works. but if you change items to commands, it doesn’t
using the latest versions of both starAPI and voteright, nuvotifier as well

Can I have the server log as well?

Is the server on when you’re editing?

The strange thing is that the comments in the config should be erased on the first save…

You could always try adding schemas through commands…

No it’s not on when I’m editing. I turn it on once I’m done editing.
Editing the config seems easier for me XD but eh yeah I can do that too

this is the log file i believe

Is there a different log? If you’re running SpongeForge, I’d need the FML-Server-Latest log

ahh here it is. sorry about that

Do you have an economy plugin installed? Also, what’s the folder called where the config is?

no economy plugin. (not using the money schema anyway)
the folder is

Remove the money schema completley from the config.

aight I’ll continue testing later as I need to go now, another thing tho before that.

The error above shows up when I do /voteright simulate, not sure how this command works yet I did /voteright simulate SnowBlitzz and that second error line showed up.
What appears on the console when I do /voteright simulate:

Note that it’s from bottom to up since it’s on multicraft

Whats wrong with my config? Won’t boot up correctly.

I can’t really diagnose a problem without an error, what do you mean by it “Won’t boot up correctly”

It says it cant read my config

That’s a total bug on my part, and it’s quite large. It may take a while to fix.

#Stuff and Things
It’s my april vacation, and I want to take this time to banish the bugs from VoteRight, and work on a new plugin of mine (a punishment system). So, I’m doing a overhaul on voteright. I’m going to rewrite most of its code to make it run smoother, and be less of a hassle to deal with.

####On Another Note
The bug was in StarAPI, and the newest version (available here) should fix it. Basically what happened was I was trying to keep parenthesis balanced, but never checked if they were in quotes or not…

Edit: I should probably update voteright to be compatible with the new StarAPI… one sec

Edit2: Updated Voteright, you can get it in the full download or here

For some reason whatever that’s edited in the config gets reset everytime the server restarts. Even if I start the server with just starAPI, nuvotifier and VoteRight, fresh config files. /vote command does not work