What are your favorite features of Sponge?

What are your favorite features of Sponge?

Could be from a player point of view, admin point of view, or developer point of view.

I want to build a list, in order to help promote what Sponge can do.


Developer perspective

  • Store arbitrary data in NBT
  • Automatically parse command arguments
  • Never unexpectedly throw a null at you
  • Minecraft internals can be just casted to Sponge classes

Admin perspective

  • Integrates seamlessly with forge
  • Supports economy plugins directly and with multiple currencies
  • Plugins can control user storage, world storage, chunk loading, entity limiting, etc.
  • Commands and config use Minecraft IDs instead of weird enum values

Player perspective:

  • Works in singleplayer

(1) It’s not bukkit/spigot (hence no baggage).
(2) SF works the same in single player and multiplayer (or at least, it’s supposed to).
(3) Sponge Forums is a great deal friendlier than the alternatives.
(4) It works with MODS.
(5) It can be downloaded legally, instead of being “built”.
(6) The lead devs are engaged with the community.
(7) Some Sponge plugins are already far better than their legacy versions.


My single favorite part of this project would have to be the SpongeDocs.
I’m extremely impressed with the work @Inscrutable and his team have put into creating, maintaining and updating this fantastic trove of information that is without parallel in any other Minecraft project. I feel it really makes a difference to be able to point new users to a resource that they can both understand and put to use without worrying about the information being outdated. Quite honestly I feel that this is one of Sponge’s strongest aspects.

  • The API is well thought through, and consistent in the way it handles things.
  • Sponge is completely legal
  • Works with dynmap :smiley: (is forge-compatible)
  • Nice community!
  • Cause-Tracking!

I think a really strong part of Sponge is that it learned a lot from the mistakes that bukkit/spigot made, and avoided them from the very beginning.

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>bad drawing skills :see_no_evil:<

Did someone say null safety? kotlin logo

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I came to sponge because of the lead developers and I absolutely love the smooth running of sponge vanilla. Well, to be honest, I might be in love with @blood :blush: I discovered cauldron which lead me to sponge

Also, there are only great plugins and always a java master coming to review the code of beginners.

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Oh yeah, and

Developer standpoint

  • They’re not afraid to break things to prevent API stagnation (see Bukkit’s Material enum, ItemMeta, both float and int getHealth())
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