Will Bukkit ever be combticle with compatible

Hello my name is max,
I was wondering if Bukkit ever will be compatible with Sponge. It would be really helpful. My Life would be easier. Any ways too make Bukkit work on Sponge???

There is a Sponge plugin called Pore that allows Bukkit plugins to load on Sponge. However, it is not complete yet.

Bukkit’s a dead API. No point in the Sponge team dedicating resources to supporting something that is barely compatible with 1.7 let alone future proof.


To expand on this, adding native Bukkit support would violate its license and leave Sponge subject to a DMCA takedown.

Ultimately, basic Bukkit plugins may be compatible through pore, as mentioned by @Flibio, but the catch is that with the SpongeAPI, there’s just so much more that can be done in a clearer sense. The pending event changes and the overall Data API has a significant amount of uses (including a thread on how to use it) that you’re almost better off expecting plugins to be re-created without issues of mod compatibility. The other problem with a lot of Bukkit plugins is that they used a heavy amount of what’s called NMS (underlying implementation of the server code) because the features they wanted lacked any representation in the Bukkit API. Of course, over time, there will be an exponential surge of SpongeAPI plugins replicating their Bukkit counterparts closer as Sponge reaches a full implementation release. As it stands now, SpongeAPI and the implementations are still undergoing heavy development so many plugin developers are holding off until things are more stable.


Thx everyone for answering,
Even though Sponge is Better , basically everyone has been coding Bukkit. Well i guess its time to move on to Sponge. Luckly PogoStick has started a Sponge Epz:D

Agreed. The main purpose of Pore is to enable backwards-compatibility for existing Bukkit plugins, not facilitate the development of new ones.

To expand on usage of NMS: most plugins don’t use it at all or gracefully fail if there’s no support. These will be compatible with Pore. Plugins that do fail if there’s no NMS support won’t work at all with it.