{WIP} [Feedback wanted] Absorbant | Absorbs all the worries of making permissions

I was referring only to the authentication part. Anyway, I hope it helps! Good luck :wink:

Any update on this?

Hey guys, here’s a quick update on the status of this project:

I currently got many things to do for school, and I got no idea what @jdf2 does, but he also did not work on this for some time…
But here’s a snapshot of the current work

:ballot_box_with_check: The design and everything the user will see is currently pretty much finished. Some things are improved, many added.

:ballot_box_with_check: The interface between server and database is also completely planned now (the minecraft server pulls all the information from the database with one https request, triggered by an admin or a bot entering “/absorbent pull [token]” into the chat)

:black_large_square: The database is planned and currently under construction.

:black_square_button: The server side scripting which does the magic is not done yet.

:black_square_button: The client side scripting which does the magic is not done yet.

:black_square_button: The plugin is not done yet but @Phase has anything he needs to get started.

:black_square_button: There will probably be a custom stylesheet for Absorbent to be embedded as a SpaceCP module!

You can see, the most important things still have to be done, but we expect the first alpha to be released as soon as the first Sponge version comes out (I heard it will take approximately a month).
After that there’s still much work to be done (API, make the plugin Open Source-ready, add more features, …), but that’s the point when Absorbent can be used.

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I’ve had school and my own tech fair project.
But have done a couple things with this…

“Anything he needs to get started” my butt.

I still say use a MySQL server, as it would be the easiest to implement on the server.

-gg conan 2012