Poll: Favorite Java IDE

Seriously? Are you kidding me? You’re not even using comic sans. You are not a real programmer.

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Did you really just call vim a fancy text editor, and emacs a different beast? Ohoho buddy, you have no idea.
Vim is a glorious editor of all things, emacs will never equate to it.

Here comes the battle of unix based text editors :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me throw in one word: nano


Praise be nano! All glory to the nano!

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Yeah… nano for me

I dont think notepad++ is a java IDE. Its an text editor with java syntax integration. I dont think it has to be in the list. But an “Other” option would although be usefull. There are many more than these few IDEs. for Example BlueJ

I use atom and netbeans. :wink: I am looking into IntelliJ though.



If anyone would like a FREE IntelliJ IDEA activation code, reply to this.

isnt it already free? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not the full version, a few arbitrary features missing, and a nag screen in the help home page and the about page.

I did read your parentheses
I didnt say it was useless. As it does have its usage. However, personally the only thing I see useful for a beginner in java with bluej is the fact that the graphical interface makes OO a lot easier for people who dont grasp similar concepts through text based descriptions.

Also note, I’m biased as I learned java through command line + text editor before I moved on to eclipse and now intellij. Never heard of java repl but it looks like I could use this to help some people I tutor for in college. As I dont have to compile, I can just have it evaluate the simple expressions. (the semester only barely started, so its mainly generic concepts atm)

That’s piracy, and I don’t believe its allowed on these forums. (Not like jetbrains made it hard to keygen their products, the funcs for validation are clientsided, and native executable reversal experience makes java bytecode reversal a synch)

I’m aware of the keygens, but I actually have a few legit activation codes (long story)

Okay, I’ll take a code (as long as it’s legit).

LOL. Meh 2 pls? xD

Text editor != IDE