Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

not a bug but rather a consearning question.
i ran world border gen create to preload by chunks before going live.
the size of the world border is 12k.
At the start it went very fast but now we are more then 12hours past, i think even 15,
and i’m still at 34% roughly. It’s still running so it’s not an issue but each time slower then before, like exponentially.
And my server cpu is and memory is hardly being used. It also pauses like 80% of the times is it so people would still be able to play on it?

And finally is there a way to make it a tad faster somehow?
Thanks in advance.

@IBG_Nova Missed that earlier - but you’ve taken the top part off which tells me what the exception is!

It’s likely a Sponge issue, to be honest, based on how much of the stacktrace is minecraft/sponge, but I’ll just trap that error for now.

@MoeBoy76 You may have seen this already, but I’ve done it.

@ripmxi What are you using as the command, what is the output?

@Pixelhouse Are you using NucleusMixins? In both cases, I’ll add a -a flag to the next release to try to make it faster, but I cannot guarantee this. I am working on bringing improvements to Sponge’s offering!

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Oh, and @zachincool (and anyone else that is interested) - I’ve proposed an update to Sponge to fix the problem with the connection messages - hopefully that’ll either be accepted, or a better solution will come out of the woodwork:

I hope they fix such a simple issue.

The chunk regeneration has been workikg better when im online though. I went from 1 to 34 in 15 hours and went from 40 to 61 hours in like 4/5 while i was online.
(Previously run trough multicraft console).
I did not rerun or quit the command only thing indid was go online.

Version 0.19.0 is now available for Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11

Note that I’m trying to upload this to Ore, but it’s not having any of it again. I’ll get it on Ore ASAP.

This version supports Sponge API 5 (1.10.2). This build also works with current Minecraft 1.11 with API 6 servers, but this might change in the future.

This release has the following new major features:

Add options to URL/command links.

This allows for options to be added like so:

The options are totally optional. “h” suppresses the hover, “s” on commands puts the command into the command bar, rather than executing it immediately.

Add chat logging

A semi-often requested feature is to log chat in its own chat logs. The chat-log module allows you to log chat, messages and mails to log files in logs/nucleus/chat, subject to options in main.conf. It is off by default.

Add permissions for individual colours/styles in chat and nicknames

Many servers like to offer donators the ability to chat in different colours and have different colour nicknames, but often want to restrict the colours and styles they can use. Nucleus now has per colour and per style permissions - which are:


You can, of course, replace colour with color if you prefer!

Allow kits to contain items with chat tokens.

You can now put tokens like {{name}} and {{displayname}} on your item’s display names and lore and put them into a kit. When redeemed, the tokens can be replaced - personalising the items (for example, a wooden stick with the item display name {{name}}'s stick can be put into a kit, which will become dualspiral's stick if I redeemed it).

You must, however, set kit.process-tokens-in-lore to true in main.conf, as this might cause a slight performance hit.

Other minor features are:

  • Add description to /warps when categories are enabled.
  • Allow /skull and /gm to have warmups etc.
  • Reorder some tab completion returns so that online players are always displayed first.
  • Add option to try to force a first time player’s login location, overriding other plugins.
  • Add persistent vanish across player logins.
  • Add Dimension ID to /world info.
  • Add -a to world generation to try more aggressive settings.
  • Stop showing the Multicraft list warning message everytime.

There has also been a few bugfixes in this release:

  • Fix issues where &r did not reset the text style in some cases.
  • Reset food saturation level on a player when turning off /god.
  • Fix links parser often being too greedy.
  • Remove global cooldown on kits (this should never have been enabled, use /kit setcooldown <kit> <duration>).
  • Reworked AFK to not ask for permissions so much through caching - this was causing problems with GriefPrevention. Use /afkrefresh if you need to change someone’s AFK timers.


NucleusMixins has not been updated, the current version is 0.15.0. Note that the mixins may not work on heavily modded servers.

Download Nucleus and NucleusMixins from GitHub Releases: Release Version 0.19.0 (for 1.10.2 and 1.11) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub
Ore link coming soon - as soon as I get it uploaded!

Command documentation is already up to date:


Very nice update man you are always on top of it.
Great work and thanks for the hard work.

A thought just occurred to me,
The ending cut scene (after killing the dragon) is rather long, in fact I saw on the console that it marked me AFK about halfway through.

Is there any protection in place to prevent a player from being AFK kicked during the cut scene and credits?

Any idea why I get this crash when trying to pre-generate my world with the /world border gen?

Question, is there a way to have command aliases?
I searched but cannot really find anything in the documentation about this.
For example /rtp to /random or any other command actually.
But i would use it for the /rtp.

Thanks in advance!

How can i fix /invsee command?
I can’t see players inventories but i can see Admins inventories…
I use LuckPerms
It say that can’t find the user

Hi, can you, if possible, add a mob spawn limit function to increase or decrease the number of natural mob spawning?

Updated to 1.10.2 - 5.1.0-BETA-2037
/broadcast causes this

Spotted the problem and will get this fixed up and uploaded ASAP (it was because you used a link, if I can kindly ask that if a command is a problem, that you tell me what you ran in future that would be really helpful, thanks!)

I need help with /invsee and /seen command.
The command not works with players, works only with admins(All permissions)
I have NucleusMixins and LuckPerms for permission manager…

Keep the conversation about Nucleus to here please, I don’t really want to pollute the forums with my plugin problems!

Also, please be patient if I’ve not responded, two hours isn’t that long to wait and I’m unfortunately not about during much of a weekday.

Can you clarify what you mean - maybe give a walkthrough of what you’re trying to do? Do you mean that players can’t use /seen and /invsee? By default, players can’t use these commands, only admins can.

The permissions for these commands are nucleus.invsee.base and nucleus.seen.base.

@Pixelhouse No, not with Nucleus. Not sure whether this is something that we should do, or another plugin should do - can’t really decide how “essential” that is, and I’m already worried about feature creep!

I guess I’ll let the community shout out on that one - is it an essential feature, or should it be another plugin’s job?

@outside64 I think I’d rather leave that to another plugin to do because it feels somewhat specialist - maybe some lag reducing plugin might be better placed to pick this up?

Version 0.19.1 is now available for Minecraft 1.10.2 and 1.11

Ore still isn’t working for me, this issue has been reported!

This is a bug fix release that solves the following issue, and is recommended for all users:

  • Fixes /broadcast and other commands failing when parsing a simple URL. (thanks to @Karagra_Gaming for reporting this)

Nucleus Mixins have not been updated.

For the new feature content of 0.19.x, see the following post:

Download from Github Releases: Release Version 0.19.1 (for 1.10.2 and 1.11) · NucleusPowered/Nucleus · GitHub
No Ore link yet, unfortunately. :confused:

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Sorry @CeruleanNutter and @Mikirae, missed your posts:


No, because I’m not sure if I can detect that. Not sure doesn’t mean I can’t though, so I’ll investigate that.


Looks like a deadlock to me, nothing I can do about that because Sponge/Forge/Minecraft have taken over there - all I do is ask Minecraft to load some chunks, sorry. :confused:

So there’s no way to load my world without crashing it repeatedly? Because it’s crashing every few percent :confused: