[1.12.2] [7.1.0] Plugin for in-game Translation

Hello there!

I searching for plugin that might help with in-game translation of mods.

What i need from him - replace or modify standart lang files from mods and change localization. It will be perfect if client prefer server lang files despite on client lang files.

Example commands
/translate ru_RU minecraft:grass “Stone grass”
/[Main Command] [Which file to add or correct] [which parameter to add or correct] [What to add]

This can be done with a server resource pack, there is no need for a plugin to do this.

Already pasted one, i need it to ingame translate for command comfortable translation by looking ingame usage of items and other stuff.

I have no idea what you just said.

Replacing arbitrary text from plugins is not possible without a lot of work. The only way I could think of would be to intercept the complete network traffic, and searching for text in it. But names of vanilla things are never sent over the network because there is no need to (as the client is expected to have the correct version). Using custom names is also a bad idea as that’s only available for items.
If you want a plugin to be fully translatable the plugin should use a translation framework. But you won’t be able to change the name / text for vanilla things without resource pack.

I hope I understood your request

its only for modded one - i dont need to translate vanilla items) But i get you

It’s the same thing for modded items. You need a custom resource pack to change item names. However, the server can automatically send the resource pack so your players don’t have to download it manually.

Unless you’re talking about renaming specific items like anvils do. That would be fairly easy to take care of. If you want to rename all items of the same type, however, you need a resource pack.