Access and modify mod player inventories and data (like Baubles)


I’m wondering if there’s a way to access per player mod data through the Sponge API.
So for example I’d be interested in accessing things like the Baubles slots or stats from ToughAsNails.

I’d also be interested in partial solutions or mod specific solutions. So if you just know how to cleanly access the Baubles inventory, that’s fine. I’m definately interested in that!

Due to how messed up the mc code for invrntories are, most mods handle inventories in complete different ways to one and another making it pretty much impossible for sponge to handle them.

But all hope is not lost. I am not a forge developer myself so I have forgotten exactly how to, but there is something a forge mod can do to get it to work with sponge. Im sure the lord of inventories will come and tell me one day

I don’t know how they add their slots.
But if its just added at the end of the “normal” player inventory they should be available in Sponge

Might be more than you’re asking for; But NT-RPG has this capability.

unfortunately i think you’d have to configure at least base classes and races to get it to work.

those are some starter files; should be plug and play

I’m not sure you replied to the right topic…

I’m asking for API access to mod data, not RPG stuff.