Advanced AFK plugin

A lot of server owners have been complaining about their players using afk pools and movement pads to hatch pixelmon eggs, and nucleus’ AFK checking only checks for movement so anyone using afk pools wouldn’t be read as afk. With these people around the server using afk pools, they hog all the pokemon spawns making it difficult for other areas to show pokemon. There’s a flaw in the pool which can easily be checked for (I think) which is mouse movements, since you’re always facing one direction on the pool. Would anyone be willing to write an advanced AFK checking plugin that checks for player’s:

  1. mouse movements - whether it has looked left or right, or moved at all
  2. distance traveled

Just wrote this post in a jiffy to get the idea out there, but I’m sure a plugin like this would be useful in the pixelmon community.

Still have a little hope that someone could pick this up :roll_eyes:

Did you try suggesting it to Nucleus directly?

Nucleus focuses more on the simple afk mechanics, just essential enough for basic use. This goes beyond essentials

This seems like a feature I would be looking to include into my AntiCheat in the future. In fact @dualspiral suggested this to me a while back when someone was asking him about adding it to Nucleus on his Discord. This is one of the many features I need to add and might take a little while. Guardian AntiCheat