Agent attack range

Sponge Build: 1.10.2-2477-5.2.0-BETA-2731
Forge Build: 1.10.2-forge1.10.2-
Java Version: jdk1.8.0_151 / jre1.8.0_102

Hello, I hope this is not a repost, I only found a subject about it (and sorry for my bad english)

I’m looking to change the aggro range from entities (spider/zombies), I found nothing so I tried to use the “setTarget” option on agents but it only worked for skeletons that started to fire far away but didn’t moved.

I found a post from Cleardragon, where there seems to be a solution :

I’m a bit new to this and I don’t understand how to, even with the explications from Aaron1011 :anguished:
Is there another way ? Or can someone explain me this in a bit more details ? :smiley:

Thanks !