Allow Users to modify posts, no matter age of post

This is a problem for me and will probably eventually be a problem for others.

What would happen without this feature:

1st Time: Flag your post with a custom moderation message to have a mod edit your post for you.
All continuing Times: PM a mod asking to edit the message for you.

With this feature:

Every Time: Edit the post yourself, without the need of a moderator-in-the-middle.

Personally, I prefer not being able to edit posts after a certain period of time. Discourse, while not like most other discussion software, is intelligently thought out, and this is the product of such thought.

That’s why there are Discourse plugins.


I was saying I agreed with it, lol.

“Personally, I prefer not being able to edit posts after a certain period of time.”

Now I’m just confused. Isn’t the OP about how you want to be able to edit your posts, indefinitely?

Gotta agree with @FerusGrim, for the most part it is only sensible to stop editing after a certain time. There may be exceptions for certain posts, but it shouldn’t be disabled completely.

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Then what about enabling it for specific posts (or even categories)? Like, you ask a moderator to be able to edit it for an unlimited time, and he adds your post to a list of exceptions…!?
Why would you not want someone to edit his posts later, especially in categories like WIP Plugins?

Well, WIP plugins and plugin Releases will be replaced by ore anyay.