Hello everyone, your dandy friend ProfessorOak back to wanting another plugin!
There is something I want that is very direct. It dosent have to be perfect
but it needs to get the job done. Here are some things I need:
I have been using FoxGuard, but it seems to not work. Players are able to do this and that…
If someone can put a defined tutorial on how to make a region with access to NO-ONE but the Owner,please leave it below.
Next, I would want an already existing plugin that is user friendly and can easily be used to create a region that already has all access denied like WorldGuard (and flags too lol).
Finally, if you can make a port, or a new plugin, of a similar worldguard that would be fantastic.
I would also love to ask: Which one is better, and safer to use: Polis or GriefPrevention
Do not worry foxguard is updating soon and he is patching lots of bugs related to flags not working properly! I’m sure more plugins will be created soon but for the time being we’ve been helping @gravityfox debug. If you need help setting up foxguard let me know I can lend you some help
foxguard is definitely different then worldguard but I think once the kinks are ironed out it will be just as, if not more functional then worldguard!
PS. we are using polis on our server for certain safezone areas!
I think what he is getting at is that it isnt as user friendly as worldguard was. The commands are confusing. The setup is different and isnt as easy as WG is/was.
The problem with WG was that it wasn’t very scalable and was ridiculously difficult to maintain.
Honestly i got sick and tired after having regions with almost a hundred flags set.
After the core features are in FoxGuard, there will be convenience commands to make the whole process a little less painful to setup, while still affording you the full power of the plugin.
Also, my hope is that with ample documentation, people will learn the commands over time. I mean just look at PEX. Those commands are just confusing. Added on that there’s like no documentation. My commands have reasonable documentation, tell you when you’re doing something wrong, and support tab completion for MOST commands.
That’s just my justification for the added complexity.
Ah, I have set it up correctly. I believe it’s the flags not working that are troubling me.
Its mainly the blockplace/blockbreak/blockinteract flags that are messing with me. If you could get those fixed it would be dandy
You do have to figure though, most users who are setting up server now-a-days are still pretty young in age. Simplifing while still having them learn will help them most in the end.
Indeed! Some of the flags are in fact not working correctly. GravityFox is addressing these issues and we should see a fix roll out sometime in the near future