Announcing Loofah! SpongeAPI on Fabric

Loofah is an implementation of the SpongeAPI on Fabric Loader that I have been slowly working on for a bit now. Yesterday Loofah finally got to a stage where it’s slowly getting useful!


In my opinion both Fabric and Sponge have a core set of strengths that are very useful for developers, users and server admins alike. Fabrics modularity makes it easier to build up exactly the server and configuration that you want. Fabric also has an existing and growing server side mod community. Sponges core plugin based design makes it a strong option for cross platform modifications and a reliable well thought out core API for server side modifications and of course Sponge also has a strong core community of plugin developers and users. My goal and hope here is to bring Sponge and Fabric together and have both platforms benefit from the other.

Current state of the project

At this stage Loofah is more or less in it’s first alpha. By now Loofah is essentially just SpongeVanilla running under Fabric Loader instead of ModLauncher but i hope to start changing that soon! Next up is testing Fabric API modules and Sponges own test plugins on Loofah to make sure everything works.

There is a roadmap issue on the Loofah Github where you can keep up with the current plans and progress for the first release.

Helping out

I would of course be grateful for any help people want provide! Currently help with any issue on the roadmap would be a big help. Especially with all the testing that needs done. Taking a look at the planned mods and plugins to test for compatibility and helping to add any you think are missing would also be helpful. I might’ve missed quite a few when writing up the roadmap.


The Loofah repo is available on Github here:
Contact info on me can be found on my Sponge Forum account or on my website:


Alpha 1!

After working on this for a while, having to take a 2 month break for personal mental health and schooling related reasons and then getting back into work I’ve managed to get this first alpha wrapped up!
This is an alpha keep that in mind. It is not finished and not production ready. It’s been lightly tested but the goal here is for it to be tested more! There are undoubtedly faults, incompatibilities and other things that can be made better! Whatever issues you may find please report them in the issue tracker!

Do also note that this is an API-12 release meaning it’s targeting Minecraft 1.21.1. I hope to get a 1.21.3 API-13 release out soon too but until now the focus has been getting something out there.

The alpha jar can be downloaded from the GitHub release here: Release Loofah's first alpha release! · LoofahMC/Loofah · GitHub