Any Way for Automatic Permissions/Vicinity Permissions with LuckPerms?

I am going to eventually build an Elite Four Cathedral, along with a victory road on my pixelmon server. As soon as you exit victory road and get into the Elite Four building like in the pokemon games, you are then able to fly to that area instead of going all the way through victory road over again. I wanted it to be like this on my victory road, but instead of being able to “fly” you can just unlock the warp.

I am running Nucleus, LuckPerms, and a few other server tool plugins, and I was wondering if there were a way (for instance a command block) to unlock the warp by having it automatically added to your permissions list once you come out of victory road, instead of me or my admins adding you manually to a different group for that specific warp. Not sure if this is possible or not, but I’m open to another mod or plugin that does this. Also, I am already aware of Nucleus’ warp categories and specific warp permission nodes, so we’re technically already halfway there, I just need a way for an automatic permission for the warp once they reach a certain area/coordinates.


It shouldn’t be any problem to hand out user permissions with a command block, with something like /lp user @p permission set nucelus.? true