[API 4.1.0/5.0.0/6.0.0] 🏠 HomeSweetHome - An Advanced home plugin

I dont find any information about Dynmap suuport. Is the mod supported by a Dynmap?

I’m a bit unsure how you expect that to work. Homes are personal, while DynMap shows (AFAIK) the same thing to everyone.

Is this project dead?

What no. In fact I’d consider it more lively than in a long time seeing as I’ve been working on a future rewrite just yesterday. However I’m not really updating this topic that much anymore. You can go to the ore page to see all the new updates and such. Katrix / HomeSweetHome


That makes me very happy, then i just need to know what version i can run that works with Forge build 2555 for Minecraft 1.12.2

Where do i post the “error logs” ?

Error log: https://paste.ee/p/vwPbs

Same error with the new builds for example: 1.12.2-2555-7.1.0-BETA-2857 STABLEFORGE 2555


In our continuing effort to phase out the Plugin Releases category, this thread is being locked because the plugin is already listed on Ore.

Check it out: Katrix / HomeSweetHome