[API 6.x/7.x] FoxGuard - The flexible world protection solution

I’m tired, I’ve been running back and forth to the DMV to get my ID card.

I’m not exactly functioning at the moment, and I need coffee and hugs.

Sorry D:

the problem is that when mobs spawn in the world, they aren’t caused by a player (unless they have spawn eggs)

if you want a command to work immediately,

/fg md h yourhandler passive default

that will set passive resolution to be the same as default resolution.

That should fix it.

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Did it work? Please tell me that worked.

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Sorry for my bad English. Does not work :slight_smile: Become Passive: Default. Mobs should disappear after that?

Oh, they don’t disappear, they just stop spawning. Making them disappear would actually be too taxing on the server.

Also your english is fine. I’ve seen worse.

In what order should the flags be? I restarted the server and the mobs appeared.

There were only two. Rebooted again, did not appear. Thank you!

Thank you very much for the plugin!

Uh you’re welcome.

Ok so i have a problem i cant seem to get around i am trying to make a pixelmon server Pixelmon 4.2.7 on minecraft version 1.8.9 and i got foxcore and that seems to work but when i add foxguard it just crashes the server I’ve even made sure it was the right foxcore and foxguard i don’t know what is happening exactly

i somehow fixed the foxguard problem after giving up and deleting the files then redownloading them

Oops! Mobs appeared. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LqkS/3wcjoE3Kk

When you flag hostile = false I can’t kill mobs. “You do not have permission”.

[20:37:09] [WARN] [Sponge]: A custom DataBuilder is not extending AbstractDataBuilder! It is recommended that the custom data builder does extend it to gain automated co
ntent versioning updates and maintain simplicity. The offending builder's class is: class net.foxdenstudio.sponge.foxcore.plugin.wand.data.WandDataBuilder


@gravityfox Do you have an estimate when your plugin will be released for 1.10? I read that the current version has API5 compatibility, but doesn’t work perfectly for it. Just wondering, I am planning to push my server to 1.10 in the next month or so. I just wanted to check and get an update. Thanks for all your hard work!

there’s a branch sitting there for API5 that should work. There’s just some bugs that need to be ironed out.

Alrighty thanks! I will throw it up on my test server and see how it does

Oh you’ll have to build the API5 version yourself.

That should be doable. Thanks.

hey just a quick question how to disable tnt block damage ??

I have a question, how can i create a rectangular region because when i write the command ./fg create region test rectangular, it told me that type doesn’t exist (Sorry for my bad english, i speak english a little).