[API 6.x/7.x] FoxGuard - The flexible world protection solution

Yes, I had just watched that part in the tutorial. Ok, I’m all set, thank you for helping! I owe ya’ a coffee.

Sneak Peek at an upcoming feature:

What could it be?


I’m intrigued. How’d you do that?

tsk minecraft forge tsk client mod tsk opengl tsk


Different colored regions? Nice!

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Well… not exactly.

More like there is a companion client mod in the works.

Ie FoxGuardCUI? (Cos WorldEditCUI is the equivalent)

Pretty much…

Although i’m also planning on having an on-screen toolbar as well.

I know that WorldEdit CUI is a thing, but the way i’m going about it is this.

I know they exist. I sorta know what they accomplish. I don’t know how they work or feel.

I am writing my plugin my own way, because it’s mine. It may be better. It may be worse.

Although at any rate it will rival sk89q’s plugins when complete, and it will be updated for sponge.


And so it begins…

Wands and CUIs

Headed your way…


NICE THINGS!!! WE HAVE NICE THINGS!!! GIVE USSSSSSSS!!! THE PRECIOUS! :smiley: give please give :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your plugin, i start to understand how it work with friend ^^
Also, can you add notifycation system when a player enter in region ? (Send message tyo player with “You entered in region “nameofregion”” ^^
thanks ! <3

Hey firstly very good job your plugin is very good and you thinks you will make a command fg info who give you the information of the region where you are

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Hi! Yes that is definitely a requested feature. However some really big changes need to happen to make that possible.

I need to actually finally add in controllers. They are kinda confusing…

They are basically special handlers that link to other handlers.

You’ll see.


Yeah, definitely a requested feature. Will be added soon.

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we have a big bug in multiplayer when a player place and break block they give this block at all people in the server

Uh… Does that block happen to be a daylight sensor?

If not, be more specific.

What version(s) are you using?

  • FoxCore
  • FoxGuard
  • SpongeForge

What block is it?
How do you reproduce this issue?

I need details.

that made it with all block and not all time

That is extremely vague. I can’t really help you if i can’t understand you…

i place and i break it and that give the block at all people i use
foxguard 0.13
fox core 0.3
and sponge 965

What block is doing this?

What other plugins are you using?

What is your protection setup?

Are actions getting blocked or allowed?