AuthMe-Reloaded Official Thread

By the way, Notch might have supported piracy but Microsoft CERTAINLY DOES NOT, they have like one million (easily defeatable) security measures implemented into their products. Try to crack Microsoft Office by yourself xD

Just to be clear, Authme does not helps piracy, it only provides an authentication method like the host-keys auth that worldguard uses.

In summary, a server in offline mode can use just woldguard host keys to provide authentication methods to every user in offline mode just like authme does but in a rudimentary way (Create a unique host key for every username, give it to the user and only that user can login with that name). And no one relates Worldguard with piracy.

Also, offline-mode is supported by Mojang and Notch.

I’m looking for remove plaintext password storage, it’s really unsecure and really unprivate

These passwords will be automatically hashed and the plaintext method will be removed


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Awsome men , Love all this great Support!

I’ve never been a big fan of AuthMe or any cracked server. If you like a game, buy it… Anyway good luck, mate.

I use offline mode because where I live 26 dollars is not exactly cheap(will buy you dinner for 2 at a restaurant). However, most people that play on my server ended buying the game, but only after a few months of playing and falling in love with the game.
If Minecraft had a 30 day full-featured demo I wouldn’t need offline mode.


Minecraft has a demo, but would you crack games like GTA just beaucause they don’t have a demo? Would you pirate a movie beau cause you haven’t seen the trailer? I hope sponge will be onlinemode only. 20$ for such a great game isn’t much, it is definitely worth more than one dinner.

Another approach if the kids are using the same gametag as their official Minecraft account would be to simply authenticate the credentials on the mojang login server and if they come back as correct username and password then print a error message to the players client saying he/she cannot use those credentials with AuthMe.

I wouldn’t do a hash it would probably be best to do a salt+hash either way it’s still extremely difficult to make it impossible for someone to get the password. You could just decompile AuthMe and make it save raw text passwords to a file. The idea of pinging the Mojang servers could be a good idea though but again it doesn’t solve the issue of decompiling and recompiling the plugin.

1 word:
all servers that run behind a bungee proxy need to be offline mode, even if it is a premium network


Actually, most of the major servers use a custom version that allows them to have all of their servers be in online-mode.

Also, Necro much?


is this canceled?