AutoBroadcaster - Fully customizable auto broadcaster


This plugin allows you to broadcast messages automatically in the chat of the server.

You can download this plugin here.


  • Supports text color
  • Supports clickable link in messages
  • Supports user-friendly specification of intervals (ex: 1h2m10s)
  • Customizable prefix to all the messages senta
  • Customizable interval between messages
  • Worlds limitation: you can broadcast a message in all the worlds or only in some
  • Broadcaster can be temporarily disabled
  • Supports broadcasting in console
  • Supports having multiples broadcaster with independent configuration


The configuration file allows a full customization of the plugin. The default config file look like this

autobroadcaster {
    # Here you can define all the broadcaster that you need.
    broadcasters {
        # This is a default broadcaster. You can rename it and modified as you want.
        default {

            # This is the name that will be display in the chat.
            # Set it to false to temporarily disable the broadcaster.

            # Set it to true if you what to broadcast messages in console.

            # Interval in seconds between two announcement.

            # Messages to broadcast.
                "&6Test Message"

            # List of worlds name where will be broadcast the messages. Leave it blank to broadcast to all the worlds.

If you need more broadcaster with different configuration and different messages, you can add a new one under broadcasters just like this

autobroadcaster {
    # Here you can define all the broadcaster that you need.
    broadcasters {
        # This is a default broadcaster. You can rename it and modified as you want.
        default {
           # Configuration parameters as before

        second_broadcaster {
           # Same parameters as the default broadcaster


/autobroadcaster list: List the broadcasters. If a broadcaster is disabled, it will be shown in gray.
/autobroadcaster enable <broadcaster>: Enable the broadcaster.
/autobroadcaster disable <broadcaster>: Disable the broadcaster.
/autobroadcaster <broadcaster> list: List the messages of the specified broadcaster.
/autobroadcaster <broadcaster> add <message>: Add a new message to the specified broadcaster.
/autobroadcaster <broadcaster> remove <messageID>: Remove a new message to the specified broadcaster. The ID of a message can be found using /autobroadcaster <broadcaster> list command.
/autobroadcaster reload: Reload the configuration file. This command allowed to change the configuration file and reload it without restart the server.


autobroadcaster.list: Permission for command /autobroadcaster list.
autobroadcaster.reload: Permission for command /autobroadcaster reload.

For the next permissions you need to replace <broadcaster> placeholder with the name of desired brodacaster.
autobroadcaster.broadcaster.<broadcaster>.list: Permission for command /autobroadcaster <broadcaster> list.
autobroadcaster.broadcaster.<broadcaster>.enable: Permission for command /autobroadcaster <broadcaster> enable.
autobroadcaster.broadcaster.<broadcaster>.disable: Permission for command /autobroadcaster <broadcaster> disable.
autobroadcaster.broadcaster.<broadcaster>.add: Permission for command /autobroadcaster <broadcaster> add <message>.
autobroadcaster.broadcaster.<broadcaster>.remove: Permission for command /autobroadcaster <broadcaster> remove <messageID>.

Known Issues

  • Text format of a message resets after a link.

Source code


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So far it’s working great :slight_smile: However, I’m not sure if it’s just me but I cannot click the links that’s being broadcasted on my test server.

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You’re right! I forgot to implement links. Thank you for remember me.
New version in this days.

Love the plugin just wondering if you going to make any in game commands. Like to add, remove, list

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Great advice! I’ll implement commands in the next version. I’m going to release it in the next days.

Version 0.2.0 released.
Complete change log

Links are working now! Thanks for the update.

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lovely plugin!
Im wondering if it possible to make it so a specific group can only see 1 of the broadcaster (if using multiple) using permissions?

like autobroadcaster.broadcaster.<broadcaster>.view then only the group having that permission can see the broadcasts from that broadcaster

Let me understand if I understand. For example, if you have two broadcaster news and advices only the players that have can see messages from news broadcaster, and only that ones that have autobroadcaster.brodcaster.advices.view are allowed to see messages sent by advices broadcaster. Is it right?

yea it sounds about right :slight_smile:

Does this work for API 4 & 5?

It is for 4.1.0

Links still not working for me in version 0.2 :confused:
I tried www http:// https:// and just — all not working.
Do I need to “mark” them with or something?


Can we get an updated version for API 5?

Would love an API 5 version as well. Really in need of something that just does broadcasting. Ive been using cron jobs but I want something that is only running if the server is running and im not good enough to code something myself :3

Have you tried using it? Does it crash? What error do you get?

Some simple plugins made for API 4 work on API 5, not all of them break. I’d recommend just trying it considering that there isn’t much that can go wrong if an AutoBroadcaster malfunctions.

Is this plugin abandoned I tried to hit the download buttons but I get a 404 error page instead, just curious.

Having a similar problem that I cannot download any projects that reference an “ore-staging” link. Any idea if ore is broken or something @ryantheleach

Yes, ore is broken

It’s not broken so much as turned off. The staging (testing) version has been taken down, and we’re working on setting up the production version of Ore :slight_smile: