AutoPickup - Automatic pickup for items and experience orbs

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, AutoPickup. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.



AutoPickup is simple plugin that gives items and experience directly to the player instead of dropping them on the ground when a block is broken or an entity is killed. AutoPickup can also disable drops from entities that died naturally without any player interaction such as a zombie burning when the sun rise up.


AutoPickup generates a default configuration. This configurations might be modified to enable or disable specific mechanics for blocks or entities. Configuration files can be found in the config/autopickup/configs/ folder, the structure of a file is pretty simple but for more information, open this page: Configuration.


Once you configured the plugin, you might want to give these permissions to your players:

autopickup.entity.experience Allows to automatically pickup experience orbs when an entity is killed.
autopickup.entity.item Allows to automatically pickup items when an entity is killed.
autopickup.block.experience Allows to automatically pickup experience orbs when a block is broken.
autopickup.block.item Allows to automatically pickup items when a block is broken.


AutoPickup automatically connects to the Ore repository to check for updates. By default, the console and all players having the permission autopickup.update.notify will be notified when an update is available but it can be disabled by editing the following configuration file: config/autopickup/update.conf.


Very, very good plugin. Thanks!

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I’d make a suggestion regarding the item pickup to add in some kind of like title screen notifier for when the players inventory is full; kinda like an alert so that players are aware of it and will stop mining/etc.


Mhh good idea…

Great idea ! Maybe you could add a drop message ? Like “You picked up X xp orbs” or “1 raw meat”

I will add option for that as soon as I get the time.

I can add an option for that but I’m not sure many servers will use it. It would spam the chat during mining sessions. :confused:

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Yes… It’s true!

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Require SpongeAPI 7.1.0 and so SpongeForge/Vanilla 7.1.2 or +.
  • Increase tracking precision
  • Add an option to send a message to the player when an item can’t be picked up
  • Update to bStats 1.4

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Require SpongeAPI 7.1.0 and so SpongeForge/Vanilla 7.1.2 or +. (since 1.0.1)
  • Fix bStats
  • Improve update checking (again)
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so its it just me or does the mod cause items in a chest to not be dropped or slurped up info inv?

I did just test on SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla and I have no issue. When breaking, the chest and all items in the chest are directly teleported to the player’s inventory.
Open an issue on github with more details (versions, logs, etc …) so I can help you.

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Remove bStats

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Use Ore API v2
  • Fix update check error

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Optimize tracking
  • Add blacklists

Please fix it. Having problems with Pixelmon server making it to crash, getting spikes and lagging. Server version is 1.12.2 and forge 1.12.2

Hi, I can’t do anything without further information. Please open an issue on github with the full logs using a site such as pastebin.

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Tested on SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla 7.3.0
  • Change update check mechanism
  • New config system: a same config file can now be reused for different worlds
  • Automatic backup and upgrade from old configs

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Updated to API 8 !
  • Tested on SpongeVanilla 8.0.0-RC1031

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Tested on SpongeVanilla 8.1.0-RC1185
  • Fix pattern matching of block states
  • Use MiniMessage to parse config messages

A new version has been released for AutoPickup, it is available for download here.

  • Updated to API 10 !
  • Tested on SpongeVanilla and SpongeForge 1.19.4-10.0.0-RC1552