BaconParty - Give rewards to all online players or execute a command when the server gets a certain amount of votes!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, BaconParty. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


  • Give rewards to all online players or execute a command when the server gets a certain amount of votes!
  • Similar to VoteParty in spigot!
  • Made for Sponge API 7.2.0
  • Requires NuVotifier 2.0.0 + You can download the latest release here: Click me

1.Commands and permissions

1.1 Commands (User)

  • /bp (Base command)
  • /bp fakevote (Send a fakevote)
  • /bp reload(Reload the config)
  • /bp force (Force a Baconparty)

1.2 Permissions (User)

  • baconparty.command.base (Access to /bp)
  • baconparty.command.fakevote(Access to /bp fakevote)
  • baconparty.command.reload(Access to /bp reload)
  • baconparty.command.force(Access to /bp force)

1.3 Aliases

  • Aliases are /bp, /baconparty, /voteparty and /vp


# The aliases the plugin uses for commands. The first value is always displayed when running the base command!
# Requires server restart to change!
BossBar {
    # The color of the BossBar. Supports: BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE, YELLOW
    # Hide the boss bar after this amount of time. Defined in seconds!
# The commands that get run per player. Use %player% as a placeholder!
    "give %player% minecraft:apple 1",
    "msg %player% apple time!"
# Commands to run globally. Does not accept any placeholder!
    "say Apple bois",
    "say Apple time!"
Mechanics {
    # The current amount of votes. Don't change unless needed!
    # Weather or not to only count votes from online players towards the BaconParty.
    # Set the amount of votes required to reach a BaconParty!
Messages {
    # Set the broadcast message here! Ran when a BaconParty happens.
    Broadcast="&6&lBaconParty has been reached!"
    # Set the message sent to online players here!
    Message="&4&lYou have been given the rewards defined in the config!"
    # Set the per vote broadcast message here!
    # Use %votesleft% to get the amount of votes left.
    # Use %format% to automatically switch between the word votes when more than one vote is left and vote when only one vote is left!
    Per-Vote-Broadcast="&6&l%votesleft% %format% left until a BaconParty!"
    # Set the plugin prefix here (Shown when running commands etc).
Settings {
    # What type of broadcast to use when broadcasting. Available types: Chat, ActionBar, BossBar
    # Weather or not to send the broadcast.
    # Enable or disable command execution.
    # Enable or disable command execution of global commands.
    # Weather or not to send the message.
    # Weather or not to send the per vote broadcast.
    # Define how many votes must be left for the per vote broadcast to start!
    # Weather or not to display the per vote broadcast only if the votes left threshold is met.


  • For support join my discord server and use the appropriate support channel!

A new version has been released for BaconParty, it is available for download here.


  • Give rewards to all online players or execute a command when the server gets a certain amount of votes!
  • Similar to VoteParty in spigot!
  • Made for Sponge API 7.2.0
  • Requires NuVotifier 2.0.0 + You can download the latest release here: Click me

1.Commands and permissions

1.1 Commands (User)

  • /bp (Base command) (Aliases are /baconparty, /voteparty and /vp)
  • /bp fakevote (Send a fakevote)
  • /bp reload(Reload the config)

1.2 Permissions (User)

  • baconparty.command.base (Access to /bp)
  • baconparty.command.fakevote(Access to /bp fakevote)
  • baconparty.command.fakevote(Access to /bp reload)

1.3 Aliases

  • Aliases are /bp, /baconparty, /voteparty and /vp


2.1 Commands

# The commands that get run per player. Use %player% as a placeholder!
"give %player% minecraft:apple 1",
"msg %player% apple time!"
# Commands to run globally
"say Apple bois",
"say Apple time!"

2.2 Mechanics

# The current amount of votes. Don't change unless needed!
# Set the amount of votes required to reach a BaconParty!

2.2 Messages

# Set the broadcast message here! Ran when a BaconParty happens!
Broadcast="&6&lBaconParty has been reached!"
# Set the message sent to online players here!
Message="&4&lYou have been given the rewards defined in the config!"
# Set the per vote broadcast message here! Use %votesleft% to get the amount of votes left!
Per-Vote-Broadcast="&6&l%votesleft% votes left until a BaconParty!"

2.3 Settings

# Weather or not to send the broadcast
# Enable or disable command execution
# Enable or disable command execution of global commands
# Weather or not to send the message
# Weather or not to send the per vote broadcast
# Weather or not to use the action bar instead of chat when sending the broadcasts


  • For support join my discord server and use the appropriate support channel!

A new version has been released for BaconParty, it is available for download here.

  • Fix an issue where clicking the reload button in the menu would send a fakevote…
  • Made the global commands comment more clear to avoid confusion.

A new version has been released for BaconParty, it is available for download here.

  • Only load config values into variables on two occasions (Server start and config reload). The only variable being constantly read is the counter. This should help lighten how many times
  • Added option to enable BossBar broadcast.
  • Added option to change plugin command alias.
  • Added option to change plugin prefix (The thing that shows up when you run the command)

A config reset is recommended.

A new version has been released for BaconParty, it is available for download here.

  • Added config option to only count towards BaconParty if the user who voted is online.
  • Moved Threshold and ThresholdOnly options under settings as they now work for all broadcast types instead of only working with bossbar.
  • Added a new placeholder under Per-Vote-Broadcast %format% which will automatically switch between the words votes and vote. Useful when you want to display 1 vote instead of 1 votes.
  • Added a new command /bp force which forces a BaconParty.
  • Added missing comment to BossBarColor config node.
  • Fixed formatting of prefix. It should match the {} formatting

A new version has been released for BaconParty, it is available for download here.

Better reward sequencing:

  • send global message
  • execute global commands
  • wait 5 seconds
  • send player specific message
  • execute player specific commands

Fix some @OVERRIDES missing

Wait 5 seconds after sending global message and executing global commands to send player specific message and execute player specific commands.

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