Bannerboard SpongeForge fork?

Hello, is there a fork for bannerboard yet?

Could you provide a link?

Sponge doesn’t have the ability to render images on maps yet (bukkit doesn’t either to my knowledge - probably NMS) so its unlikely that there is a sponge port but there still could be.

This plugin works in Bukkit, Spigot and Paper tho

Yes? Whats your point?

Oh I think i see where your getting confused. Even though Sponge (and I believe Bukkit) don’t support it. They can use NMS (Network Minecraft Server) which is the code of vanilla Minecraft that CraftBukkit, Forge and SpongeCommon are all built upon. This means that a plugin from either platform can access it and change it even if the platform they are running on doesn’t support it.

The reason why I mention it is because most developers dont like to use NMS due to it having calls such as "a(Chunk) which would do something like delete the chunk (Sponge and Forge rectify this but still have other issues).

Anyway - tldr it is still possible to do some stuff through bukkit/sponge even if they dont support it. Because the platform doesnt support it, it means less developers are likely to support it.

If you can not find a alternative, ask the developer to port it?