Bedwars Plugin for 1.8


Sorry for my bad english my mothertouge is german :slight_smile:


I have a Spongeforge Server in the 1.8 Version. This Server is in a bungeecord Network.

work needed

I Need a Bedwars Plugin like “BedwarsRel” but without the Shop function.
This means the Plugin should have this Properties:
*Join sign (over Bungeecord servers)
*Automatic World Reset
*Bungee compatible
*Fully Customizable Ressource Spawners
*spectetar mode after die
*Colored Player Names
*up to 10 Teams with one or more Player per Team


up to 25$ but when you can Show me that its more work then i think i’m also pay more for it


open for everyone and you can take it in you’re Portfolio


Discord: Blaccky#6358


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