Bind Command to Item


I’m looking for a way for a plugin to execute assigned commands when a player right-clicks a specific item. The item should be consumed upon use.

I have the plugin Nucleus but I don’t think it has the ability to do what I want. The closest I can find is /powertool but it doesn’t consume upon use and I think the commands are per person and not per item.

Any help would be useful. Thanks in advance.

SpongeForge v1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3436

Hello Coolkc456
I have not seen a plugin that does exactly what you specified however It would be very simple to create. If I see something similar to this later on I will let you know.


My plugin CommandBooks can do this :slight_smile:

Putting the CommandBook in a kit using Nucleus makes the CommandBook not function anymore upon a server restart. I made a comment on your plugin discussion about it.

Did you ever find something? I can think of a bunch of cool uses for this!

Unfortunately, no.