[BlizzardGame] Corrupt-A-Wish

Granted, but now you’re Dorothy stuck in oz.

I wish I could be a better writer

Granted, but no one can read it.

I wish NullPointerException didn’t exist.

Granted. but now whenever there is reason to emit a NullPointerException it will just silently fail and give no indication as to what went wrong.

I wish I didn’t have a video game limit.

Granted, but you’re forced to finish every game that’s ever come out.

I wish I never got sick

Granted, but you become paralyzed from the neck down.

I wish the cake wasn’t a lie.

Granted, It was an exaggeration instead.

I wish for a new set of keys.

Granted, but you can’t touch them because they are perpetually 1000º c.

I wish I could meet Etho.

Granted, But he is not the person you thought he was…

I wish for an extra hour of sleep. only an extra hour of sleep.

Oh god nvm. I wish for a new game. The extra hour gonna be pretty bad.

Granted, but the new game is the worst game of the year.

I wish I were a math genius.

Wish granted, Your brain melted…

I wish for a non crappy new game.

Granted, but it’s sonic 06 it corrupts your console as soon as you save.

I wish I could stop losing things

Granted, but all your things vanish so you have nothing to lose.

I wish I wasn’t so tired.

Granted, you go into a coma.

I wish I could meet Hank Green.

Granted, but then he explodes.

I wish I had a life.

Granted but it’s a mayfly’s. Use your time wisely!

I wish I had super sm4sh bros

Granted, 1-UP

I wish I could make a decent looking project website. :frowning:

Granted, but it only works if youre making a porn site.

I wish I could be super strong

Granted, but your immense strength overpowers and kills you.

I wish I could be with the person I have a crush on.

Granted, but its in a battle to the death.

I wish I could swim like a dolphin

Granted, but you can no longer function on land.

I wish I had more creative things to wish for.