Block Place Limiter

Is there a way to track how many of a certain block a person has placed and limit them?

Example: I want to limit my players to only be able to place up to 10 diamond blocks, but not stop them from placing again completely after they reach 10. They can break one and place it back again as long as all the diamond blocks he owns on the world does not go higher than 10.

Can someone make a plugin like this? :smile: would be greatly appreciated.


If the plugin can be per world it will be more interesting (at least for me) :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: Nice idea @SnowBlitzz!

What if someone else breaks a block placed by you?

Edit: I’m interested in what use this plugin might have.

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If someone else breaks your block you will get your limit back -1 since that was your block.

I initially thought of this to limit the number of apricorn and ranch blocks a player can place in the server, as they are known to cause frame rate drops when too much in numbers, and since both items benefit players, they wouldn’t hesitate to crowd giant farms.

It could also be used for other purposes such as limiting the number of beacons you place so the server doesn’t go crazy with beams and all that.

Anyone want to pick up this request? :confused:

Picking up Sponge plugin development. I’m already giving it a try.

@Firelight I’m not meaning to intrude on your programming but I’m gonna give this a shot too. Might give me something to do.

Actually, it might not matter if I write “this” because I’m technically gonna be working on something that inspired me from this concept. so. :3 happy coding

@Firelight @codeHusky THANKS! I’m looking forward to the plugin, and I’m sure there’s others as well.

🌶 Despice - Now with concept video - A creative way to prevent raiding Here’s the concept for the most part. @SnowBlitzz

How’s the progress :smiley:

I’m working on the storing of data and using a class that will be instanced per player to store blocks placed and the block limitations. Scanned through the sponge docs to (successful) find an existing method to persist the data. Quickly skimmed the data API doc for the data serialization but got a bit intimidated by it. Will look further into it when I’m free. Otherwise, pretty straightforward so far.

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This helped me alot: DataManipulatorGenerator - #18 by pie_flavor

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Taking a look now. Thanks.

I know its been a long time, but has anyone made anything like this at all. The despice chest isnt what i am after. But after the initial request of this. Where as, i dint want players to be able to own more than say 3 quarries in the server?
Thank you in advance