BlockRay Issue?

I am trying to get the block that I am looking at. The Sponge API documentation is outdated. Here is my code:

final Optional block = BlockRay.from(player).filter(BlockRay.onlyAirFilter()).end();
if (block.isPresent()) {
BlockRayHit defBlock = (BlockRayHit) block.get();

            BlockType type = player.getWorld().getLocation(defBlock.getBlockPosition()).getBlock().getType();
            src.sendMessage(Text.of("You are looking at a " + type.getName()));
        } else {
            src.sendMessage(Text.of("You are looking at the sky."));


When I run this code, I either get “minecraft:air” or the sky. From my understanding, the Air Filter was supposed to filter out air blocks. Am I mistaken?

I think it filters everything but air but I could be wrong

Do you have any idea how I could filter out air and accept all other blocks?

You should be able to apply your own filter, I could be wrong, but doesn’t filter take a Predicate?

I am having trouble with the predicate. I am new to Sponge and the concept of predicates. If you could give some advice, that would be great. The docs are a little outdated for BlockRay, so I am stuck.


the method .from returns a block ray builder, not blockray itself

So I implemented this code. The same thing is happening. Here is a screenshot:

A Predicate isn’t really a sponge thing, it’s part of the Java API introduced in Java 8, along with Lamdas and Method References, I think your looking for:

BlockRay ray = BlockRay.from(player).blockLimit(range).filter(hit -> { //Java 8 Lamda
    Extent extent = hit.getExtent(); //Get the extent from the ray hit
    Vector3i pos = hit.getBlockPosition(); //Get the block pos of the ray hit
    BlockType bType = extent.getBlockType(pos); //Get the type of block at the position
    return !bType.equals(BlockTypes.AIR); //If it's air, exclude, otherwise its cool

Note: According to this, BlockRay.onlyAirFilter() really should be what your looking for, if the above code doesn’t work, try removing the ! negation from the return, otherwise you have a problem other than the filter.

So I just implemented that code, and now no blocks are registering as being hit. There has to be an issue with BlockRay.

You tried removing the ‘!’ too?
How strange…

Let me try removing the !. One sec.

When I remove the !, I get minecraft:air. There has got to be an issue with the BlockRay class or something.

Here is a video of the behavior I am getting:

There is no sound in the video unfortunately (will fix next time). There seems to be a bug where when I run the code without the ! in it, I always get Minecraft:Air, unless I am standing right next to a block. This is really weird behavior.

What are you passing for blockLimit? I mean, it could be that. Also, try traversing all the hits, not just .end()

100 is the block limit. Will try to iterate through the hits.

Just tried iterating over the hits, and I kept getting the sky…

I assume this is your issue. If not, I answered similar questions there.

Yes, that was my issue. Thank you for responding!