BLWarps v2.0.0

It works on the latest commit but I haven’t bothered to release a patch version yet… Will happen soon

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Released v1.2.5

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Released v1.2.6 to be compatible with API v3.1.0

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I’m currently trying to setup BLWarps with PEX, but i’m running into issues when i add permission nodes:

Using blwarps.warp works and gives the player the ability to use and configure BLWarps.
Using however won’t give the player the ability to use all warps located in the public group and i don’t know why. Same for blwarps.warp.test -> player can’t use test until i allow him to use blwarps.warp.


After further testing it seems to occur on PJW too. I guess this isn’t an issue of BLWarps, but either SpongeVanilla or PEX. Any time you add a complete permission it refuses to work, but when removing the last node it works… (blwarps.warp works, while blwarps.warp.test does not).

It’s almost certainly no fault of your own. I’ve been meaning to fix the permissions for a few months now… Perhaps I’ll actually do it now :wink:


If you’re going to introduce private warps, then having the following permissions might be useful:

blwarps.warp.private // creation, removal, usage and listing of private warps
blwarps.warp.public.set // creation of public warps
blwarps.warp.public.delete // removal of public warps
blwarps.warp.public.list //list public warps
blwarps.warp.public.warp.<.warpname> // public warp usage permission (per warp)
blwarps.region.delete // region usage is managed through warp perms above

If you already set a warp and want to change it, you currently need to remove and recreate it. It would be easier to just set it again (this would cause an update to said warp).

Just tested 2.0.0-BETA and it seems to work so far. Thanks for the update! Perms per warp finally works too :slight_smile:

EDIT: Found an issue:

/warp region set -g regionname global/warp 0 0 0 -2 2 -2
results in “too many arguments”. Seems it doesn’t like negative coordinates yet :wink:
Same seems to apply to warps. tried to create a warp at -200 100 -200 and failed with too many args.

I was able to reproduce the issue with the wrong coords:
I created a warp via /warp set -g while standing at -274 92 -210. The Warp is getting set correctly, but when i use the warp, i end up on -100 90 -210. You can try for yourself on the Spongevanilla community server. Just warp to global/SoS8.

I’ve just tested both bugs you reported. I was able to reproduce the first (about warp regions and negative coordinates), but the second works fine for me…

Regarding the negative coordinates, I’m not sure why that’s happening… I’ll test it and update you later.

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It doesn’t seems to happen on every warp and/or world you create, just on the SoS8 world on the SCS server so far. Every other world is fine. Not sure what the actual issue is, or how to reproduce. Maybe the world is just corrupted or something :wink:

I’m guessing it doesn’t like negative co ords due to the command argument parsing? maybe?

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That’s exactly right. It tries to parse the negative numbers as flags, and to fix it I need to set the UnknownFlagBehavior, but that enum is currently not public. It has been fixed on a feature branch, but I’ll have to wait for it to be merged to use it.

Which featurebranch contains the fix? :slightly_smiling:

I believe it’s the improvedargs branch

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Hmm, as a temporary fix: can’t you just remove the - in front of the global flag?
Or just use global instead of -g?
So that the region creator is actually usable? :slight_smile:

I’d rather not… I think it would be best if the UnknownFlagBehavior enum was made public and merged into master now/soon and the rest of the improvedargs branch could wait…

Released v2.0.0 with the above issue about warp regions w/ negative coordinates fixed. 2.0.0 targets API 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.



Hello. I don’t get my members to use any warps and warp commands. If someone could help me fix this asap I would be greatful


I haven’t touched this project in months and I don’t really plan to update it. If you need a warps plugin I would suggest looking at Project Portals.