BNC + Cloud + Mailserver. How would you do it?

Hi all,

I’m currently thinking about getting my own BNC, setting up my own local cloud and a mailserver to have my own email adress.
Currently i’m using several freemail services (gmail, gmx…) and would like setup a central mailserver. I’d liketo have one email per shop to see where spam is eventually coming from etc.

My current plan is:

  • get a Synology DS215j to host my bnc and cloud on (at home)
  • get a mailserver+domain somewhere

Suggestions? Should i get a VPS instead? Other (better) solutions for my usecase?
Let me know! :wink:

I wouldn’t recommend running a mailserver from any personal computer. Definitely get a VPS.

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Should’ve clarified that:
I would run the bnc locally, but the mailserver either on a vps (would have to setup everything myself, right?) or get a mail package from a hoster. Not sure what i should choose, though.

For personal use? Do not set up a mail server.

  1. Buy a domain with no services (no hosting or whatever) except DNS (which is usually free, if it’s not then you picked a really crap domain provider).
  2. Use gmail
  3. Profit

Running a mail server if you have no idea what you’re doing is a recipe for pain. Getting a hosting package with your domain ties the domain to that provider forever, which (long term) is a nuisance and can be a problem if (for example) the provider shuts up shop, which happens.

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Is it possible to throw the domain at gmail?

I’m currently using gmail, but haven’t found a way to setup different mail addresses.
As said above i’d like to have for ex: [email protected] [email protected] etc.
Is there a way to do this with gmail? If so i haven’t found it yet.

I’ve to admit that i’ve never setup a mailserver, will follow your recommendation there and won’t setup one myself.

If you want them separated, just use gmail rules to route the addresses to labels, if you don’t want them separated then I don’t see what the issue is.

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I think i got how your solution works. Thanks for explaining it :smile:

Just to recap (and check if i got this correctly) :

  • buy domain with DNS somewhere
  • setup gmail to use my domain (MX records)
  • add labels/rules in gmail to separate the different email adresses

Do I need Gmail for work for this ?


  • i could get a 3rd party mailserver and use it, with the downside of not being able to migrate it somewhere easily

I think solution 1 is the one i should get (as recommended by you).

Don’t think so, pretty sure it’s just a basic function of gmail but I don’t have a non-corporate gmail myself to determine that.

yes, although there are of course ways to do so, they just suck giant monkey balls so are to be avoided if possible.

Put it this way, if you start with gmail and it doesn’t work out the way you want, you aren’t in any worse of a position as if you started with 3rd party hosting and it didn’t work out, you still have to migrate. Gmail just represents the most painless “it just works” solution and has good support for mobile (native app on all platforms), IMAP, and (in my opinion) the best web-based interface of any provider.

You can also dump gmail to drive, which provides a nice backup solution and a way to keep a local backup if you set up your NAS to sync your google drive.

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You don’t have to have a mailserver. Zoho Mail has a service where you can get [email protected] for free.

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So does gmail, that’s kind of my point.


Google Apps hasn’t been available for free for a while now. Only legacy accounts get it free.

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I pay some amount a month for it. $5-$10 somewhere, IIRC

Mail servers are not easy to set-up, they require a lot of fiddling around. Also, most ISPs block the creation of mail servers.

Go with Gmail, or another mail host such as zoho. They require the least amount of configuration, and ate easier to work with.

As for clouds, there are hosts out there that provide cloud services. For example, I am with an amazing company on their cloud environment, which happens to run on openstack (in case you were wondering what software to use) which is open source. Their support is superb.

I’m currently using free-tier legacy gapps for domains and it works well, But I’ve also just set up a pop email address that gmail pulls mail from somewhere as well, you can configure it to just use googles outgoing mail servers, and pop is pretty simple to set up and host.

My parents business email address on the other hand, I didn’t want to have to maintain it, so I just set their domain to use outlook’s mail servers in a similar manner, that seems to be smoother but it really depends on if you like microsofts offering. At least it syncs well to anything that can sync with exchange servers.

Also if you’re looking for a good, but cheap host: