BookMenus - Usable book menus for minecraft

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, BookMenus. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


Welcome to the BookMenus Ore Page! BookMenus is a plugin for Sponge that gives you the ability to save books to files that can then be used to open a book menu of that book, for a player, at a later time. It also adds the ability to use color codes and other formatting in your books by being able to serialize them once they are written. You can also use placeholders in your book menus if you have PlaceholderAPI installed!

Book Menus adds in a single base command with several subcommands.

  • ‘/book’

To see what this command, and its subcommands do, check out the Commands page!

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A new version has been released for BookMenus, it is available for download here.

Usable book menus for minecraft

Placeholder API support?
I would like to use this to make a “Questbook”

A new version has been released for BookMenus, it is available for download here.

Usable book menus for minecraft!

Version 1.1 adds in PlaceholderAPI support so that you can add placeholders to your books to use with the various BookMenu commands!

A new version has been released for BookMenus, it is available for download here.

Fixes a bug with the permissions allowing anyone with the permission to the base command ‘/book’ to use all of the child commands. This is done by changing the permission to the base command to “”.

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