Cannot remove blocks


I want to remove blocks in a zone (a wall of glass), i don’t know why, that’s doesn’t work.

	public void removeBlocks() {
	for(int x = 34; x <= 93; x++) {
		for(int y = 74; y >= 108; y++) {
			Location<World> bLoc = new Location<>(Sponge.getServer().getWorld("world").get(), x, y, -1);
	for(Player players : main.getPlayers()) {
		players.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.GREEN, "Les vitres ont été enlevées !"));

That’s the good method no ?

Thank you.

for(int y = 74; y >= 108; y++)

won’t ever succeed. I guess you meant

for(int y = 74; y <= 108; y++)

Thank’s it work !