I’m using Chrome 48.0.2564.82 (64-bit) on Linux Mint 17.3 desktop. Main site works well, but when I try to open forum, I get:
Also, my friend using Chrome opens forum without problem. I’m writing this post from Firefox, but Chrome is my primary browser with all favourites etc.
You might try updating chrome. The latest version is: 54.0.2840.59. You’ll probably have to add the chrome repo for mint which is: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ .
Perhaps the strict transport security ttl is too low? I seem to remember that SPDY wants half a year at least. Could you mayhaps look into this, @Dockter or @lukegb?
The most widespread reason of this error is outdated browser, please consider updating it as been advised in previous comments. Here is a very detailed and comprehensive instruction, just browse the site . In most of cases the issue solves on the updating stage, in case it doesn’t try to do next: