CataloguedTyped DataAppliers

I’ve got an idea for a series of mini plugins that could make things really configurable for admins.

Create a plugin that provides a new mechanic, optionally, on an DataHolder.

Have a config of different presets that can be applied to DataHolders for your plugin.

Register those presets as CatalogTypes as functions that take a DataHolder, and return a DataHolder with the data applied if applicable.

Suddenly we have a very flexible system for custom flags / mechanics.

Soulbound mechanic, when soulbound is applied to an ItemStack / ItemEntity the first player to pick it up is the only player that can equip the item. it stays with them on death.

PvP Status

And a lot more.

Basically you can have region plugins that test to see if the flag status should be changing on a moving entity, if so, it applies / unapplies the data.

You could have commands, letting people schedule / script / command block the application of the custom data.

This is interesting, I tried looking into applying custom flags to something such as players, but couldn’t figure it out. It’s not documented enough to where I can do something with it.