Change-A-Letter (Game)



The person posting a reply puts one word, and one word only. Then, the
next poster has to modify the word by changing as FEW letters from the
word as possible. The person can also add and take away letters, but the
point is that all words have to exist and be real words. Proper nouns
can also count.
Have fun :smile:

I’ll start:


fail -> flail
Adds one character.

Total letter count from original word (fail): +1

(I added a bit of a ‘template’ to help keep track of things - more easily see the progression, as time goes on.)

flail -> flair
replaces 1 character

Total letter count from original word (fail): still +1

or am i supposed to add my changes to the history Ferus introduced? :slight_smile:

To the one ferus introduced :smile:

flair -> glair
Replaces one character

Total letter count from original word (fail): +1

glair -> glare
Replaces 1 character, moves 1 character.

Total letter count from original word (fail): +1

glare -> flare

Replace first letter.
Still +1 letter.

flare -> friar
Moves 1 letter. Replaces l and e with i and an additional r.

Still +1 letter from fail.

friar -> briar (variant spelling of brier, which is a type of shrub)

Replace first letter.

Still +1 letter.

briar -> driar
Replaces one character

Total letter count from original word (fail): +1

Game for the NES

driar -> drier (more dry)
Replace one letter.

Still +1.

drier -> tomato

Replaces all the letters


drier -> crier
Replaces first letter.

Still +1

(Ignoring @Irock23’s response)

crier -> baby

crier -> frier (alternate of fryer)
Replace first letter

Still +1.

frier -> Trier (City in Germany - proper nouns allowed)

Replaces first letter.

Still +1.

drier -> crier -> frier -> drier



Trier -> Bier (Beer in german)

cut 2 letters, add 1.
+0 for now.

Trier isn’t far from me. Just a good 1 hour drive :smile:

I don’t think you got the game, have you?

Bier -> Beer (Beer, in English)

Replace 1 letter.