Chat Handler?

Is there an existing chat handler for spongeforge 1890 that works? I’ve tried Featherchat, Nucleus, Simplechat, Essentialscmds, and a few others. I’m looking for a plugin that I can use with PEX to handle prefixes and colored chat. Any help would be appreciated.

Why not just use PEX prefixes

They don’t show in chat. I’m using the command ./pex group (group) opt prefix (prefix) and it just shows “name message”

Nevermind, got it to work. Still need a way to change chat color for groups.

How did you get it to work i cant seem to get them to show either???

For me I forgot to keep the {{prefix}} area in the nucleus chat handler. Also, I realized you can do /pex group (group) opt chatcolor (code) to change the chat color.

In reality all I needed was nucleus and pex.

ill show you a picture of my nucleus config can you tell me what i need to change

chat {
# Group templates override the default chat template based on the users group. Note that the group name is case sensitive.
group-templates {
DefaultTemplate {
# Sets the prefix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
prefix="{{prefix}} {{displayname}}&f: "
# Sets the suffix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
suffix=" {{suffix}}"
# If “true”, Nucleus will attempt to modify the chat
# The default chat template if no group templates apply.
template {
# Sets the prefix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
prefix="{{prefix}} {{displayname}}&f: "
# Sets the suffix to a message. {{prefix}} - prefix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{suffix}} - suffix (set as an option in a permission plugin), {{name}} - real name, {{displayname}} - display name
suffix=" {{suffix}}"