Chat Reaction Plugin

Pretty simple concept, every X amount of a time a JSON message pops up on everyones chat, they have to hover over it to see the word to type, first one to type it wins and it announced the winner and the time it took to answer.

The words are obtained from a words.txt or randomly generated (you choose)
The words could either be scrambled or just plainly written out (its random)

Edit: React - A little game to be played in chat

So you want two types of words to be displayed. Scrambled where the first to unscramble and type the word wins and just plain where the first one to type it wins?

No sorry I explained it bad:
It will either choose to show the word plainly and they have to type it out fast or it will scrabble it, this will happen randomly each time it broadcasts

Okay I think I understand, I’ll get back to you when I’m done with the plugin.

It’s ok someone else made one already, I added it to the OP with an edit, but you could do it for fun I guess