I saw MCClans but I guess it’s not for 1.8.9. Would be nice to have a similar plugin but with lesser features than MCClans. Just a simple clans/teams plugin.
/team create to create a team with configurable char limit and cost. Also no special characters like !@#$%^ or spaces etc but allows dash - and underscore _. the team name would also show as a prefix before a player’s pex rank prefix (if they have one) that’s configurable
/team invite to invite a player to join your team
/team join to join a team only possible if you’re invited
/team leave to leave the team you’re in
/team kick to kick a player from your team
/team sethome or sethq to set a team home or headquarters. limited to 1 per team or configurable
/team chat to set your chat mode to the team. Only team members are able to see your chat
and some admin commands for these as well I guess.