ColoredTablist 0.94 [API 4.0] - Add colors to your Tablist

ColoredTablist is a simple plugin to configure the Tablist of your Players.

Download ColoredTablist (CurseForge)

ColoredTablist for Bukkit/Spigot


  • Add prefix/suffix to player names in Tablist
  • Add header/footer to player’s Tablist
  • Format everything using Color Codes (use ‘&’ instead of ‘§’)
  • General Configuration (to change prefix/suffix/… for the whole Server)
  • UUID Configuration (to change prefix/suffix/… for single Players)
  • Permission-Groups Configuration (to change prefix/suffix/… for Groups of Players)
  • Uploading anonymous data to Hidendra’s Metrics Service configurable in PluginMetrics.conf



  • /ctl displays Description and Version coloredtablist.command
  • /ctl nick [nickName] [player] changes Name in Tablist (temp.) coloredtablist.command.nickname
  • /ctl [header|footer] [“Your text here”] [targetPlayers] Changes header/footer coloredtablist.command.[header/footer]
  • /ctl reload reloads Config/Tablist coloredtablist.command.reload

Loved colored tab list and currently use it for my Bukkit/1.7.10 Pixelmon server.

Are their still issues regarding names being cut off due to a set prefix and character count limit?
I’ll give this a test here in a few and report back any issues I come across!

Thanks for porting!

Nice to hear that you like the Bukkit Version :slight_smile:
There is no Character Limit for the Sponge Version but it works a bit differently (New Config-Format) and the main feature (prefixes for specific permissions/groups) isn’t even implemented yet ^^

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I’ll see how things go :smile:

Are you planning to add the permissions or any commands for this plugin to the description above? Maybe examples?

Are you able to direct a specific rank in pex with these instead of adding a new one for each individual person?

Sorry for the questions. :sweat_smile:

That’s what I meant when I said permissions aren’t implemented yet :smiley: there are none. There are no commands yet too. But when I code that stuff I will of course explain them in the description. The Sponge Version is in a very early state right now ^^

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[quote=“mcheaven, post:6, topic:11919, full:true”]
That’s what I meant when I said permissions aren’t implemented yet :smiley: there are none. There are no commands yet too. But when I code that stuff I will of course explain them in the description. The Sponge Version is in a very early state right now ^^[/quote]

Sorry there’s a lot going on and I am responding to quite a few plugins regarding issues.
My apologies for that slipping past me :upside_down: I’m an idiot.
Looking forward to your work!

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Added Support for Permission-Groups (checking for players subject-parents) in the config.

Next Update:
Commands (nickname, reloading, in-game config editing)

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Added Commands ("/ctl", “/ctl nick [nickName] [player]” and “/ctl reload”)

I’m not that sure about how the “Usage: /command [childCommand]” Message from Sponge works. I found no option to change that Message to make it more useful :S

If anyone tests this plugin, please let me know if the Config is easy to understand/change/read. I’m open to Suggestions :slight_smile:

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/ctl nick [nickName] [player] changes Name in Tablist (temp.) coloredtablist.command.nickname

Does nothing. Name stays how it is.

Anything about that in Server-Console? “/ctl nick Terminator player1” Should change the Name of player1 to Terminator…

Nothing appeared in console for me.
For example it said;
RenHax’s name in tab will now display as renHAX <-- not word for word. Either way, it had not changed it.
I’ll reinstall and test again here in a minute.

Added header and footer Commands ("/ctl [header|footer] [“Your Text here”] [targetPlayers])
targetPlayers are all players on the server whith their name matching what you wrote.
Example: “/ctl header “Welcome to Wonderland” *”
This will change the Header for every player on the Server.

Hi, can I so color not only each user, but nice the colors to the groups, that I don’t need color each user?

Is it possible to add a feature of coloring the nametag above a player’s head as well?

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Yes. When you look at the full configuration on pastebin, you’ll see the “groups” section. You need a plugin like PermissionsEx to configure groups, then add these groups (by using their names) into the coloredtablist config.

I will look into it. When I add an option to do that there should be an option to format the chat too, I guess?

Yes that would be great :wink:

I would say a configurable option because i wouldnt want the prefixes in chat due to pex taking control of the custom prefixes we give.

I agree, yes yes :slight_smile:

First of all, thanks for making this plugin!

A problem I found: color codes don’t work in the suffix.

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