CommandBlock Problems

Hey I run/play on a pixelmon server and I ran into the issue of not being able to place commandblocks.
I think this has something to do with permissions but I tried added as much as I could find.

Mods/Plugins I use. Tournaments, LuckPerms, PixelExtras, Pixelmon, PokedexRewards,Nucleus,TrainerCommands,
Wondertrade, Griefprevention, sponeforge, worldedit.

I run the server through MCProHosting. Hopefully I gave enough details.

I too am having the same issue.
Plugins we have in common are LuckPerms, WorldEdit, Nucleus, and Spongeforge.
Though different we are also using protection plugins; for me it’s UniverseGuard2

Check the SpongeDocs. There are specific permissions added to handle command blocks (along with a bunch of other vanilla stuff).

Those permissions didn’t seem to change anything.

When I had this problem I used LuckPerms to find the permission, and found that giving the permission minecraft.commandblock was all that was needed.

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Thank you. That is what my problem, I can’t believe it was that simple I feel dumb now but thank you.

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