This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, CommandPack. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.
MySQLDriver - optional support included.
H2Driver - optional support included.
Commands and Permissions → Commands and Permissions EN · SawFowl/CommandPack Wiki · GitHub
Currently implemented:
- Multilanguage. Ability to translate the plugin into any language. All languages will be used at the same time.
- Customizable ability to save inventory and experience of the player at death(metaperms).
- Customizable restrictions on entity spawns.
- Logging the list of mods installed on the client player connects to the server(LexForge client and server).
- Configurable restrictions on allowable mods on the player’s client that connects to the server.
- Command execution conditions, as well as adding command aliases. The economy is supported.
- All teleportation commands, including teleportation requests and teleportation to random coordinates.
- System of server and private warps.
- Kits. The economy is supported.
- Opening with a menu command functional blocks such as: workbench, anvil, enderchest, enchantment table.
- Viewing and changing the inventory of other players by the administrator, including the enderchest and backpack.
- The execution commands logging looks like in Nucleus.
- Viewing server information.
- View information and reload plugins.
- Viewing information about mods. Plugins are separated from mods.
- Change of time, weather, game mode. Removed game mode identifiers have been returned.
- Worlds Management
- Join/Leave messages
- Join commands
- Flexible punishment system with support for h2 and MySQL databases (large customization). Disabled by default. Can be enabled in the main configuration.
- Sponge Economy API Implementation. Multicurrency support. Disabled by default. Can be enabled in the main configuration.
- And much more… For more information, see the list of commands at the link above.
For developers:
JavaDoc → Overview (JavaDoc for CommandPack-2.2 SpongeAPI-10.0.0 is used.)
private CommandPack commandPack;
public void onCommandPackPostApiEvent(CommandPack.PostAPI event) {
commandPack = event.getAPI();
repositories {
maven {
name = "JitPack"
url ''
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SawFowl:CommandPack:2.2'
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
First release
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
The /randomteleport
command has been improved. Now the search is faster and the player will not be sent outside the world. Also, the position search now works correctly in caves.
Added commands for worlds management.
Added a command /commandspy
Various minor fixes and improvements.
Updates in API:
Chunk generator registration was added to API. Registered generators will be available in the command /world create
, as well as other plugins using CommandPack API.
Improved API for creating Raw
commands. It is now possible to register and use arguments. See javadoc for details.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fix commands:
Added commands:
Added features
- Join MOTD
- Join/Leave messages
- Join commands
Improved API. New features can be seen in javadoc.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Bug fix for requiring a non-specified permission for the command argument.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fix random teleport.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
when executing Raw commands with arguments.
New command /world spawnlogic
- Enabled or disabled the world spawn point logic.
Customizable restrictions on entity spawns.
Ability to save inventory and experience of the player at death. Read more in the documentation.
Added for Forge servers:
Logging the list of mods installed on the client player connects to the server.
Configurable restrictions on allowable mods on the player’s client that connects to the server.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
A punishment system has been added.
Implementing the Sponge Economy.
Fixed various bugs in the plugin’s operation and in its API.
Added commands:
Help on permissions for added commands can be found in the plugin documentation.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fix Raw
string argument
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
- Fix commands
, /kit
and /plugins refresh
- Fix player warps.
- A few minor fixes.
- Added removing invulnerability and invisibility (except potion) from a player when dealing damage to other players. Customizable in the main config.
- Added detection of command execution by CustomNPC mod. Changed the code of command executor definition for further easy modernization.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
1.19.4+ !!!
Java 17 is used.
Update to SpongeAPI10.
Update to LocaleAPI version 3.
Now addons can receive collections of mods and plugins installed on the server, as well as a list of mods on the client of player.
The Raw
commands API has been updated.
Added methods to the base API to get information about TPS and world tick time.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
1.19.4+ !!!
Java 17 is used.
Update to SpongeAPI10.
Update to LocaleAPI version 3.
Now addons can receive collections of mods and plugins installed on the server, as well as a list of mods on the client of player.
The Raw
commands API has been updated.
Added methods to the base API to get information about TPS and world tick time.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fixed accidental disabling of PvP
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fixed accidental disabling of PvP
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fixes and improvements to the Raw
commands API.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
The construction of the tree of arguments of commands of Raw
type is implemented.
Added the ability to register commands immediately after loading game worlds.
Implemented listening for packets received by the server and sending custom packets to the player.
Added an interface to get the id of an item that is an entity.
Fixed errors when the plugin works on SpongeForge.
Now, for each root command of type Raw
, argument autocompletion is enabled and disabled individually.
The plugin commands work again on SpongeForge.
Backwards compatibility is broken. Delete or rename the Commands.conf
configuration file.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Fixed registration of currencies in the registry.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
- Mixins update for 1.20.4. 1.20.6 is not supported!
- The plugin’s API has not been changed. Full compatibility with plugins that have CommandPack API dependencies and are designed for API10 is preserved. This may change in the future, but no critical changes are planned.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Small fixes.
A new version has been released for CommandPack, it is available for download here.
Upgrade to SpongeAPI11.
- Localization has been redesigned. Backward compatibility is missing, but does not conflict with the old version. The new localization should be extremely productive in terms of CPU load.
- Localization of comments in the main configuration has been implemented.
- Player login/exit and motd messages now use placeholders registered in LocaleAPI.
- The
command API has been redesigned. It should now become more development-friendly and a bit more performing.
- Mixins updated. Support 1.20.6.
- Added the ability to log data packets received from the player to the server.
When upgrading from a previous version, it is recommended to rename or delete the old plugin configuration and localization.