Core v2.8.1c

Iam setting up a server for this in the next few days. Unfortunately this was the easiest way for now to provide a static download link for my plugin. Didn’t even notice the advertising as Iam using AddBlock :smile:

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Thats why you go to all downloads

##Core v2.1.0a has been released!

As Sponge made a huge update, Core had to make one as well. You can now use the plugin in combination with the latest Sponge build (603+).

Also, you can now customize your join, leave and firstjoin message in the new Messages.conf file.

events {
    firstjoin {
        message="&e%player &7has joined for the first time!"
        uniqueplayers {
            message="&e%players &7unique players already joined."
    join {
        message="&e%player &7has joined."
    leave {
        message="&e%player &7has left."

Have fun! - Creep

Mind stating that v2.1.0a is compatible with SpongeForge 592+?
Can get confusing in the future if you just say “latest”.

Good call. I changed that. Thanks for reminding! :smile:

1 Like

Could there be like a /list somewhat to essentials? Can it separate players into groups that connect to [PermissonsEX][1].


There are Out of maximum .

Owners: None Online
Administrators: None Online
Moderator: User6
Donor Rank: User4, User5
Default Rank: User1, User2, User3

[1]: 🔑 PermissionsEx v2.0 [API 5]

Hi Txk!

Good suggestion. Thats why this has been added to Core v2.1.1b which you can download above! :wink: You can customize the player list in the config:

list {

@CreepsterLGC Hi are you thinking of adding /back?
This is fab I just downloaded it, plonked it in the folder, ran the server and WHAM … worked a treat!

Thanks :smile:

Hi darksword,

Glad you like it! :grin: I already added the “/tpdeath” command (which will be aliased with /back in the next version). But we have to wait for Sponge to implement the “PlayerDeathEvent” until it’s usable. As soon as that happens we are good to go! :wink:

Super thank you :smile:

Are Powertools in Core? I probably have missed it but if there are none, it would be a nice tool to have!

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Thanks Txk!

Adding powertools right now… :wink:


Powertools have been added but don’t work yet, as we have to wait for Sponge to implement a couple of events. Therefore I added /force (/sudo) and the permission “core.afk.kick.except” :smile:

Make sure to update to the latest version as this version also fixes a bug in Commands.conf

Added commands:


Added permissions:


Aaaand: We finally got our own download server up and running. You can always download the latest version of Core by using the address: :wink:

How would i create a /spawn point? When i do /spawn create all it does it says “spawn default set”. But when i do /spawn it says target world does not exist anymore. Am i doing something wrong?


great work, but you should support the multi-language feature on your command responses. :smile:


Had a look at spawns on my own server using the latest version of Core, Sponge & Forge. Works like a charm! Do you use the latest version?


Thank you! For now I’ll focus on the functional part :wink: Also, translating a plugin of that size isn’t done that quick. But it’s a good suggestion and I sort of planned that for the future.

##Core v2.1.6b has been released:

Added commands:

/tpswap <player> [target]
/home move [name]
/spawn move [name]
/warp move <name>

Added permissions:

1 Like


Thanks for your quick answer.
I will totally work with your Core on my server project.
Is it possible to contact you for any kind of teamworks?



Thanks man I appreciate it!
Feel free to send me a private message at anytime. :wink:


Nice plugin!<pfft there isn’t a char limit, ur crazy.