"could not find the main class GradleStart"


The way the wiki says to

Can i just run cmd in the where there is the main code and run javac ?

Why are you running javac? Gradle will build the mod as its own wiki describes

You run the gradle commands in the root of the project (aka the folder that has the build.gradle file)

Yh i will try something else.
Im going to try to launch it as its in the wiki if it works and i can edit its code then i will be using eclipse as a tool to modify the code only not to launch the mod with it and its not launching in eclipse probably bc of me missing folders in the .gradle/modules-2 folder and missing minecraft forge mod because idk how to install it

To install forge to your client. Go to the forge download page and download the installer. After downloading, run the installer by double clicking. Then choose to install to the client

To get the forge mod running from within eclipse. Please follow the documentation on how to setup your modded project in eclipse


Documentation for all that you have requested has already been written for you to read. The trick is to read it

Oh this everything i need. Thank you!

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