Custom Commands / Aliases

Maybe I’m missing a plugin that already exists, but it would be very useful to have a plugin like MyCommand that simply lets you set up custom commands that are just aliases with variables/aguments. (an extra feature would be permissions for the aliases)

/prefix -> /pex user $username options prefix $args
/nv <player> -> /effect $1 minecraft:night_vision

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I’ll try what I can do!

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Can Sponge command aliases not do this?

Like simple aliases Sponge can do but things like $sender aren’t possible.

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Though it’s in need of an update and may be a bit of overkill, my plugin Command Kits can provide functionality like $username and $args, however aliases aren’t currently supported, you’d have to run a kit.

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Thanks! Custom aliases would still be useful in a plugin, but Command Kits fits my need well enough for now :slight_smile: