DamageEntityEvent - TNT

Trying to get the TNT that caused the damage. getNamedCauses returns Source - net.minecraft.util.DamageSource, and that’s where I’m stuck. The following code throws cast exceptions. I feel like i’m missing something really stupid and I’ve been staring at it too long to notice.

DamageSource source = event.getCause().first(DamageSource.class).get();

Explosion explosion = (Explosion) source;

The DamageSource is never an Explosion. Simply checking if isExplosive() returns true means that the source is “explosive”, so it can mean many things, such as a PrimedTNT or Creeper or even just an Explosive, all of which are Entity types that you can find in an EntityDamageSource.getSource().

That All makes sense but what I don’t understand is why checking if EntityDamageSource is present always returns false. That was the reason I was checking DamageSource because it’s the only thing I can seem to get for a cause

Seems like because Minecraft discards the TNT and only uses a raw DamageSource with little to no other information. I’ll see about the viability of possibly making an ExplosionDamageSource, might be a little bit though.

In short, yes, the only DamageSource available if a Player was not involved according to vanilla Minecraft mechanics, would be a DamageSource. Otherwise, if a player was involved, like a Creeper based explosion, then it would be appropriately an EntityDamageSource of an explosion.