Developer's Cafe [#1] | A Deeper Look into the Inventory Api

Developer’s Cafe Come in for a cup of Java

Featuring: @DotDash, @LordLambda, @gabizou, and @mumfrey

Table of Contents

  • Code of the week
  • To Learn
  • Links
  • ___ :arrow_forward: Code of the week :arrow_backward:

    Taken from @gabizou’s pull request,

    public void onBreak(PlayerBreakBlockEvent event) {
       Optional<ItemStack> option = event.getPlayer().getItemInHand();
       if (!option.isPresent() {
       ItemStack myItemStack = option.get();
       Optional<HarvestingProperty> harvestOptional = myItemStack.get(HarvestingProperty.class);
       if (harvestOptional.isPresent()) {
         // Now we can actually use the itemproperty 
         // since the item stack does have it
         HarvestingProperty harvest = harvestOptional.get();
         // And the code goes on doing whatever it was you wanted to 
         // do with that information...
         if (harvest.getValue().contains(event.getBlock().getType()) {
           // We want to just make the player exhausted. Because we're mean >:]
           event.getPlayer().setExhaustion(event.getPlayer().getExhaustion() + 10);

    Want YOUR “interesting” code here? Be sure to private message me and/or leave a reply!

    :arrow_forward: Featured :arrow_backward:

  • @LordLamba's Warden the Plan AntiCheat Plugin -
  • @DotDash's Soaked Up Newsletter,

  • :arrow_forward:To Learn :arrow_backward:
    @mumfrey has created a major pull request on Github. It adds significant features to the weak Inventory api and adds “queries”. Be sure to check it out at

    And I guess that is all. Be sure to check out the links provided, give me suggestions by private messaging me or emailing me at [email protected]. Stay tuned for upcoming editions, and go eat a turkey!

    We are not afflicted with Soaked Up in any way. This newsletter serves a different purpose than Soaked Up, but we urge you to read it also. [Soaked Up] HEADQUARTERS
    Be sure to :heart: this post!


    The Developer’s Ramblings would be a better name :wink:


    @DotDash, first of all, I don’t want to combat your newletter. Second of all, I think the Developer’s Cafe is a good idea. Please come in for a hot cup of Java!

    Moved to Sponge Discussion. Doesn’t really fit into Sponge Development, and it certainly doesn’t fit in Plugins.


    Not sure how you came to that conclusion from what I’d said?

    This PR was created more than a month ago (10 Feb). I also don’t understand why it is something “To Learn”.

    Am I the only one who dislikes the overuse of text effects and emoticons/symbols?

    I want to say that we are not combating over each other for popularity. Notice how I stated I was not afflicted with your newsletter in any way. My posts touch on different topics than your, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

    Developer’s Cafe Come in for a cup of java

    Dear readers,

    Please note that the “To Learn” section features parts of the SpongeApi that are worth learning. Although @mumfrey created his/her pull request about a month ago, his/her post contains useful instructions of programmers to see, if you haven’t seen it already.

    - The Developer’s Cafe administration

    We are not afflicted with Soaked Up in any way. This newsletter servers a different purpose then Soaked Up, but we urge you to read it also. [Soaked Up] HEADQUARTERS

    I think the word you are looking for is affiliated

    Stupid Google Chrome spellcheck :wink:

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