[DISCONTINUED] EssentialCmds [v8.1.14]

another thing to override, since i already have /thru cos of WorldEdit and it’s likely many others will too
also, by other things i mainly mean i pixelmon commands that i use my side-mod versions of

What do you mean??

i use Sponge’s alias feature to use the vanilla /kill since you don’t fully support selectors (eg /kill @e[type=Villager]), i will keep using WE’s /thru and i override Pixelmon’s /breed for PixelExtras’ per player version

Ah, I understand

Release v5.4:

Tested on SpongeForge 849


  • /iteminfo - This command will return the item ID of the Item in your hand.
  • /blockinfo - This command will return the block ID of the block you’re looking at.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

So Far I only see one issue right now, I can’t nickname a player without giving them the perms to nick name themselves. It only nicknames me when I try typing /nick &3test Nemesis_Rose, making my name turn into Test Nemesis_Rose

I’ll fix this right now.

EDIT: Fixed in v5.4b

Release v5.4b:

Tested on SpongeForge 850


  • /nick <player> <nick> - This command has been updated to these new arguments. The reason was that before you could not enter the player’s name correctly. If you want player’s to have the ability to nick others they must also have the permission essentialcmds.nick.others in addition to essentialcmds.nick.use

Enjoy this update! :smile:

Beautiful :smiley: Most active Dev I’ve seen with updates ha-ha. Keep it up we need you.

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Works great just doesn’t say if it successfully changed the players nickname


Also, unfortunately. If I give a player the permission node to essentialcmds.nick.use, when you type* /nick blah*(in order to name myself blah) it still gives them a No Values matching pattern’Blah’ usage /nick [player][nick]

if I try doing /nick darktilldawn Blah without the permission node essentialcmds.nick.others it says you cannot nickname other players. So essentially they can either nickname anyone, or no one.

Hate to feel like I’m bugging you with these but /burn is backwards as /nick was. It’s coded as /burn “ticks” “playername” so I can’t burn my players…

Fixing all these issues, hold on.

Release v5.4c:

Tested on SpongeForge 850


  • /nick <player> <nick> - This command has been updated to fix issues regarding permissions for nick. They now work as planned.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

One more to fix, adding a duration to /weather gives me an ingame error of

  • Error Occurred while executing command: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

Uh… /tp is a command but no node for it? Permissionsex gives me the node of command.tp and your’s doesn’t have any listed but I assumed it would be essentialcmds.tp.use and neither of them work.

Release v5.4d:

Tested on SpongeForge 850


  • /burn - This command has been updated to work correctly.
  • /weather <weather> <duration> - Now works correctly - there was an issue when applying the duration.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

Last one I swear >.< haha. But I’ll give you a break for the day on errors… Maybe.

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Nicknames don’t get saved if the player logs out, it reverts them back to their normal Minecraft name

Do you have PEX 2.0?