[DISCONTINUED] EssentialCmds [v8.1.14]

Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

All done in v1.6. Also Warps have signs which can be used by right clicking to teleport to specified Warp. Enjoy.

Thanks!BTW,I used it on forge.1450 and sponge DEV532,but it did not work.Dose this plugin require any other plugin?

I suggest you try forge 1487 together with dev 525.

No it doesn’t require any other plugins. Make sure you have a more recent version of Forge and Sponge installed…

The combi 1487/525 was recommended to me elsewhere in this forum as it correlates best to all other plugins available for sponge.


Warps and Homes do not seem to work inter-dimensionally.

Yes he know and is fixing it!

Warps fixed in SpongeEssentialCmds v1.6b - Fixing homes now. You may have to set your warps again.

EDIT: Homes fixed. Try out v1.6c

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Thank you very much


No problem :smile:

Hey HassanS im enjoying all your current sponge plugins but I have one question for warps. For the permissions on the warps is it possible to have single warps like for example you want donation ranks so on the default rank is it possible to do warp.use.(warp) so that they cant use all the warps that are currently set

I’ll implement this sometime soon.

Cool thank you HassanS

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Have you thought of recreating the “/help” from essentials? Loved that feature!

Help was implemented with Bukkit, and it’s commands and descriptions was implemented with the plugin authors. Bukkit just put all of it together to make the help command :stuck_out_tongue:. You will have to wait for Sponge to implement that (if it hasn’t already)


HELP!!! I set a warp in the nether without setting a sign and set a warp sign in the overworld. However, [Warp] remains coloured red and when I click on the sign it says that there is no warp named “nether”… Then I set a warp sign in the nether as well as in the overworld. The result is the same. - What do you think may be wrong?

The /warp … commands are functioning though

It’s case sensitive - are you sure you typed the warp names the same? Also make sure that you have permission to use warp signs. If that doesn’t work, then remake the sign.

oh I used the recommend version forge and I am sure I installed sponge
Let me think for a while how to use it…
in the end,thanks for your patient reply :slight_smile:

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Hey,am I again~
Are there any other thing want to translated into Chinese?
I am very happy to give a hand!

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