[DISCONTINUED] EssentialCmds [v8.1.14]

This mod is perfect in my opinion. I love having it installed on my server.
If nucleus is similar and worth the move, I wouldnt mind… however, if that means everyone loses their original data from EssentialsCMDS, that could keep us from making a switch unfortunately.

None the less, Hassan needs to take care of himself. If this is what he wants to do, then we can only be happy for him! I’ll still miss essentialscmds that’s for sure.

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What I dont understand is why not keep this going, make this modular and add in new things instead of a completely new project all together.

To make this modular is gonna take a lot of work… But Nucleus is made to be modular from the start

Nucleus is similar and worth the move. Data will be transferred over automatically most likely.

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It’s due to the way it’s been written, to be honest. EssentialCmds was written in a very reactive manner, and it’s just too difficult to port over to a new structure that is modular. I started trying to do so a while back, but it’s so tangled now, the best option is to start afresh. Thankfully, I’d actually started working on what is now Nucleus a couple of months ago which has a lot of advanced back end stuff that does exactly what is needed.

However, I am aware how much people are using it, so I’m studying how EssentialCmds stores data - most of it should be transferable. There are a couple of things that need to be investigated (I think mutes being in a database is a strange one!), but I’m hoping it’ll be as smooth as possible. I’ll be working on that once I have got the rest of the backend of Nucleus tied down, which shouldn’t be much longer.

As for permissions, I’ve added suggested permissions using the API. I don’t know how permissions plugins work with this information, but PEX seems to have support for it. However, I’ll do my best to provide suggested permission sets. I do have a way to print them out automatically - as the permissions are written in such a way that the plugin auto-generates them.

We will do everything we can to make the transition as smooth as possible and as automated as possible. I plan to have full documentation for the new features, the improved features, and any manual steps you might need to make.


The only reason I am hesitant to begin with is the mass amount of perms ESS CMDs used. Redoing a whole perms file via commands will be a pain in the booty. Only because it seems to be that editing configs for most plugins that are built with the spongeapi seems to break things.

Release v7.8d:

Tested on SpongeForge 1207

Important Notice: If you have enabled the separate world inventory option, DISABLE IT - this feature is currently disabled by default and will not work until a few Sponge issues are resolved with the Inventory implementation. I appreciate your patience with this feature.


  • Major bug fixes with Inventory.
  • Commands now echo to Rcon.
  • Minor fixes with blacklist

Unfortunately there’s still some issues with blacklisted items.
Here’s exactly what is happening, thanks again!


I use ProjectWorlds for world creation because it allows me to specify a seed when I add a world. Does EssentailCmds support that? It’s one of the only reasons I haven’t switched over.

When I had PorjectWorlds and EssentialCmds both installed there were issues because they both use /world, and when I tried to use the Sponge aliases feature it only worked briefly.

/pjw:world or /EssentialCmds:world would avoid such problems

I know, I’m the developer of pjw. I don’t know much about this plugin but I’m sure @HassanS6000 would add this feature by request if it’s not already available.

@Barondando It’s already available, and you can use command aliases set in the sponge global.conf, they work properly

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This is the first and last time I will bump this.
Blacklisted items is just very important to me at this moment in time.

Please do not be offended in this.
I am not meaning to rush you or insult you,
I simply want to make sure you see it.

Have a good day and as always thank you for everything you do.
This plugin is amazing and something I couldn’t be without using.

Release v7.8e:

Tested on SpongeForge 1207


  • Major bug fixes with blacklist
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Absolute Perfection.


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Is this supposed to be essentials updated to sponge? I liked essentials because it had a lot of little things you say others plugins handle. This is a personal thing but I dont like those little plugins. That’s a thing I liked about essentials. I think this plugin is the best plugins for sponge so far. If this plugin had those things I would be happy. Maybe in smaller plugins with small api to allow addons that would be cool. That may take a bit I understand but it would make for a great essentials plugin. A plugins others can add to it and don’t have to create their own plugin on their own. This could allow others to build their own ideas off your plugin. That would be awesome. Do consider this for the future.

got this error when using mob spawner ,

Mob spawner doesn’t warp and is not listed as MobSpawnerData is not implemented.

ok sir thanks :relaxed:

My afk timer goes off when i stop it goes to instant “is now AFK” “is no longer AFK.” my config didnt load any afk options how do i fix this?