[Discontinued/Not available anymore] SimplePermissions [API 4.1+ & 5]

Sooooo looking forward to when you have options enabled in here. I want to set a limit on how many /home a player can have based on their rank, and Nucleus does this through the options home-count

Loving your permission mod still btw. Sooooo much better than dealing with Pex’s horrible syntax.

Hey, options are already done, I am trying to add contexts too, but if that takes too much I’ll just make a new build with options only. Thank you for your support.

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Hey yo, I love this mode and I have a question. I made gamerule to keepinventory it finally managed to work to ME, but it’s not affecting other players. What exactly perm is needed. Pls don’t tell that OP required

Hello. If you want to find a permission node that you do not know, use the debug mode! Enable it with /pdebug true, then check the server log and you’ll find the permission there. You don’t need to give OP to your players, of course!

Version 0.9.13 is out!

Major changes:

  • Added options support (global context only)
  • Added /op and /deop commands
  • Fixed few bugs

Version 0.9.14 is out!

Fixed issues with group inheritance for both permissions and options!

Options can now be tested with /ptest option:[key]. (e.g. if you want to check the “testoption” option, do /ptest option:testoption)

I have a yet very big question for you out there. I am currently using a other permission plugin for my Spone 6.0.0 server. And I have been thinking a lot on the last few Days If I should choose this one insted due to the massive configuration on my other plugin. But there are one thing missing. {PREFIX} A prefix for players who write in chat. If anybody know that this is included please make a reply and tell me how to fix the Prefixes and get them to work.

This is not a chat plugin, hence there isn’t any prefix for the players.

Some chat plugin use the “prefix” option, so you can use /puser [PlayerName] option prefix [ChatPrefixHere] for a single players, or use /pgroup for setting the prefix for a group.

Suggestion for next update: + Add Prefix & Suffix Integration. Using Another plugin as a color code generator like Nucleus will work. Ive seen lots of different plugins has that included so please update with Prefix & Suffix . ? :smile:

Sorry I won’t include anything that modifies chat messages on this permission plugin.

Im just curious, why? I mean a lot of new users will then install your plugin as that feature is the most wanted of them all. It’s easy to manage chat. Add a internal permission node to the plugin something like player.{Group}.{Prefix} and let Nucleus or EssentialsCMDS solve the other chat management with color codes and stuff.

Hello, how can I change the permissions of the “default” group?
When we try config file, come back as it was (with worldedit active for everyone!)
Help me pls

Check “commands examples” on the original post.

/pgroup default add minecraft.command.say - set the ‘minecraft.command.say’ permission node as default

Although this plugin works just fine for its basic components, there are way better alternatives. When I made this plugin there wasn’t any other permission plugin for SpongeAPI 5.

If you’re looking for a permission plugin, I recommend LuckPerms.

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I know, but it’s my first server XD
I’m looking for something simple and functional

Then read up, study and don’t try to throw together a quick server for production and then screw it up royally.