[Discontinued] Polis [v2.7.0]

Interesting, so a limit and also claims cost money, it means you need an economy plugin.

That should be in the requirements part of the plugin, just for general information.

Thanks for the info

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I found some bugs…
1.when use the wand of thaumcraft with shock focus,i can’t right click others or air,it show me"this land is claimed",
but I am in the area of unclaimed!
2.I can’t interact the NPCs of customnpcs in the claim
3.In the config executives and members of the prefix is opposite.

I’ll check this one out

In your own claim, or others? If it’s SafeZone, you must add the npc ID as usable.

Not sure what this is caused by, you’re sure you’re not somehow hitting a claim?

No, I’m in no unclaimed area, click on the top of the head of the air is also show this

it broadcasts to everyone when someone tries to claim land that is already claimed:

Lastly, is there a way where I can let people use things in claimed claims.

For example,
a healer in a mod (pixelmon)
a trading machine (pixelmon)
and such without having to be allies or part of the claim?

Only for zones, such as WarZone and SafeZone. To do so, all you do is /polis addusable <id>

How do we set up the SafeZone? When I did the adminclaim SafeZone obviously it created a claim named SafeZone but I assume its not “the SafeZone.” So how does one set the safezone?

/p adminclaim SafeZone

Did as instructed and added the id and got that.

You’re sure you’re using the correct ID? They are case-sensitive.

Edit Fixed. Deleted SafeZone and then recreated it. It may have been that SafeZone wasn’t fully deleted when I claimed it incorrectly. Thanks

However, how do I claim more of the safezone? When you do /p adminclaim SafeZone to claim more area it makes it say the situation of This land is claimed.

You can use /p adminautoclaim SafeZone which will claim all chunks you walk into. Soon I will be adding the ability to specify the radius in /p claim and /p adminclaim

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I was mistaken again. It hadn’t claimed. For whatever reason its not considering SafeZone as a claim that isn’t normal maybe? Or maybe its just due to the ID? But it doesnt seem to be working. Not sure I’ll keep trying.

Edit: In SafeZone’s suppose to allow you to drop items or nah?

It should prevent it - I will make it configurable soon. :slight_smile:

And any solution to the this land is claimed even though its a safezone? Could it be due ot the Mod’s Ids or?

I’m not sure of the cause. I am looking into it presently.

Alright so I got it to work with normal Minecraft Items.

When I tried to do it with pixelmon:item.Healer it didn’t work. Thats the itemdb I get from /itemdb . Is there a different id people have been using or am I doign something incorrectly here.

So, you’re trying to interact with a Healer. This is an ENTITY not an ITEM. If you’re using EssentialCmds, use /entityinfo when looking at the block below it, or if you use F3+H and look at it, it should show you the ID. The correct ID is probably in this thread somewhere, so you can find it here too.

Much appreciated, thanks.